As the bell rang the piercing sound caused Aizawa's ears to hurt and his skull felt like it was squeezing his brain. Pain seemed to be the only thing he knew this morning. The last of the students rushed through the door and quickly sat down while those who were there before them zipped their mouths shut.
Shota spun his chair around to face them as the kids practically decayed under his menacing stare. Take that Shigaraki. After scanning to make sure they were indeed all here Aizawa sighed.
"We have a joint training with 1B in 30 minutes. You have 3 to get changed and meet me at the P.E grounds."
The students beamed with joy as they all ran out to the changing rooms. They were quick to finish and find themselves outside the UA property. He once more looked over them to make sure no one was missing then ducked his head into his scarf.
"20 laps." He said casually and the kids began to whine.
"Sensei this place is like a whole mile in perimeter!" One complained.
"Our legs will fall off and we'll lose to Vlad's class! We know you don't want that!" Another attempted to persuade.
"If you don't complete this course I'll automatically fail you and 1B gets the points."
They all went dead quiet as they walked to the starting line.
"I'm gonna beat you extras!" Bakugou yelled.
As soon as those words left his mouth Midoriya started running followed by a monotonous Todoroki and cussing Bakugou. The others had been waiting for a signal to start and complained as they attempted to catch up to the three.
They were clearly making a race out of this. Aizawa noticed that the three who had gone first along with Iida weren't limiting themselves and used their quirks to help them advance at a higher rate. As soon as the others picked this up they two began to reinforce their movements with their superhuman abilities.
Shota watched closely as Midoriya pushed his enhancements through himself and the green lightning that followed him. He watched Todoroki slide on his ice while using his fire's heat for extra momentum, something that wouldn't be possible if it weren't for Midoriya. He saw how Bakugou used his explosions to propel himself into the air from time to time and running at top speed when his legs touched the ground for a better propulsion.
He saw the rest of the kids too of course but those three each took turns holding first place. He briefly wondered which one of them would hold the title of number one but left those guesses for a decade or so from now. He heard Bakugou yell something as he finished the first lap ahead of the others and Todoroki telling him to not be too boastful cause there's a chance he could lose while Midoriya tried to talk the two out of their upcoming argument. Regardless of who makes it to the top those three will be neck to neck no matter what. And it was Shota's job to make sure they were ready for it.
"See Bakugou you have to be humble in case you lose." Todoroki stated as they had finally finished their last lap.
"None of us lost. We all crossed the finish line together!" Midoriya said with his usual cheerful tone.
"SHUT UP NERD!" He yelled.
How they finished but the rest were on their 10th lap was far beyond what Shota could care enough to solve. Iida seemed to be on his 19th though that wasn't a surprise. He quickly finished and walked over to scold Bakugou for being too loud and rude. And Aizawa swears he started running faster when he saw the kid acting up.
Shota stood still and closed his eyes as the sound became too much for him. He was hearing things in high quality and whispers of voices who weren't there. As the rest of the class finished he heard them trying to talk to Bakugou about how he wasn't the only one first which agitated the blond. He kept yelling louder and louder and it hurt so much Aizawa just couldn't take it anymore.
"Shut up." He said in a loud but menacing tone.
They went dead quiet once more. Aizawa felt their eyes on him as his own were closed. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself and ease his increasing hurt. It ultimately fails the second job but does fair work on the first as he once more opens his eyes. It's too bright. He blinks twice, shakes his head, then sighs.
It's gonna be a long morning.
After having made the children suffer he realizes it's been 20 minutes since they began and Vlad would not shut up if he arrived even a millisecond late. He had wanted to push them further but oh well.
"Get up you have 7 minutes till Vlad's class arrives at Gym Gamma." He commanded them.
The students groaned and protested as they rose off of the floor and followed Aizawa to the training area. As soon as they walked in they were meet with Cementoss who seems to have been waiting for them.
"Aizawa! How are you this morning?" He said cheerfully.
"Dead." Shota answered.
"Rough night?" He asked.
Shota nodded lightly, averting his gaze from the man in front of him to the eager students who were doing a terrible job in acting like they didn't hear. They're acting couldn't fool anyone and it's not like Shota tries to hide his lack of sleep so it was unnecessary.
"You should really see Chiyo for this. Lack of sleep is common but still something you should get checked out. Especially when it gets to this point." Cementoss suggested.
Aizawa just shook his head as he continued to watch how some of the kids started fiddling with their fingers at that. It was enough to tell him they as well struggled with sleeping patterns. And of course one of them is fucking Midoriya. He might be just as annoying as Mic and that says a lot.
"Aizawa this can't possibly be healthy! You have to take care of yourself."
"Do you have to do this now." Shota spat.
He knew Cementoss only meant the best but not in front of the kids. That's just embarrassing. Cementoss appears to have understood this as he stops trying to convince Aizawa. The harshness of his own words towards one of his nicest coworkers has him quickly filling up with regret.
"Look I'm sorry," He begins eyes darting from the students to the entrance, "I know you mean well but as you said I had a rough night." He sighed finally getting the courage to look Cementoss in the eyes as he said, "I don't really have it in me to do this right now."
Through the corner of his eyes he saw the students concerned looks which left faster than they came. Cementoss' smile reached both sides of his block face as he said softly so only Shota could hear.
"It's alright Aizawa, I understand you're probably not feeling the best at the moment. I'm sorry if it came off a bit invasive or anything unpleasant. I'm just worried about you. You look more out of it than usual."
Before he could formulate a response to attempt to comfort or relax his coworker Vlad King and his class walked through the door he was watching only a minute earlier. Let the hell continue.
"Aizawa." The man called.
"Vlad." Shota responded coldly. "I don't see why you are so unhappy. You requested this joint-lesson and insisted on it despite my arguments and reasoning against it. What ever has happened to bring your joyful arrogance down a few pegs?"