In the car with Director Contee, silence enveloped them. The thought of a possible relationship with Director Contee, as mentioned by Romy, made Sani uncomfortable in his presence. She avoided making eye contact and instead stared out of the window.
Director Contee finally broke the silence. "I hope you weren't too upset about what Quinn said."
Sani sighed. "She had her reasons, and, in a way, she was right. Thank you, Director Contee, for standing up for me again. You've done so much for me, and I wish there was something I could do to show my gratitude."
He smiled handsomely while keeping his gaze on the road, and spoke gently.
"Come on, it's been over five years. You can call me Sale." He smiled, and she nodded as he continued. "You don't need to go above and beyond to thank me. Just accept my invitation to a nice restaurant I know."
Sani pondered for a moment. "That sounds nice, but I don't really feel like going to a restaurant at this time. How about we watch an excellent movie at my place instead?"
Sale's smile widened. "Why not? That sounds like fun."
They both instantly felt more comfortable with each other, engaging in a lively discussion as they made their way to Sani's apartment.
Sani's place had a cozy simplicity to it. The interior was adorned with beautiful plants, creating a relaxing atmosphere. It was evident that the inhabitant had a fondness for paintings, as there were several displayed on the walls. Sale stepped inside and admired the artwork.
"Make yourself at home. I'll be back in less than thirty minutes. I just need to freshen up," Sani said, inviting Sale to take a seat on the sofa.
She returned shortly, dressed in a low-cut top and a mini blue jean skirt that showcased her attractive legs. In her hands, she held a bottle of wine and two glasses.
"A solitary woman like myself always has a bottle of wine on reserve," Sani joked, watching Sale admire a sculpture displayed beside the TV set.
"I got it at a local auction," she explained.
Sale nodded, impressed. "The sculpture is stunning."
Sani smiled and offered him some wine. He accepted with a grateful smile, taking a sip and releasing an astonished sigh.
"I'm delighted to discover that you're not just an aesthete but also a wine connoisseur," Sale remarked.
Sani chuckled. "Thank you! I try my best to be good at something." Her expression momentarily turned sad, but she quickly recovered her smile.
"What are you saying? You're the most talented woman I've ever met. You excel in screenwriting."
Sani sighed, her voice tinged with longing. "I wish I were more than just a screenwriter. I wish I had my own TV show. I have the skills for it."
Sale placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I have no doubt about your abilities, but you've only been in the journalism field for five years. You have a long journey ahead, my dear. Let things..."
Sani couldn't help but laugh.
"Did I say something funny?" Sale looked confused.
"Romy said the exact same thing to me today. You guys always know how to make me feel better. I'm grateful!" She flashed a grateful smile.
"It's because we truly understand you."

ParanormalIn the world of Sani Gowon, a brilliant journalist seeking thrills, nothing is as it seems. Stuck in a mundane job as a screenwriter, she dreams of hosting her own paranormal TV show. But when an invitation to join a paranormal excursion along with...