Scraggles The Gremlin With An Obsession

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  The peaceful night began to awaken over the sunset, the stars gazing from above the night sky filled with the busy lives of others getting off their shifts as the cars among the street began competing with one another to get home quickly building up a line of traffic. While most were getting ready to get some well deserved rest at this hour, there was one lurking inside of a trash can scrounging for something that would shine in the twinkling night. This individual was green, green as in the color of day old guacamole as old food and dirt had stuck to his scraggly fur. After all, this is why his name is Scraggles. He wore an old torn up black leather jacket with a stained red T-shirt and brown pants with stains and holes all over them. His shoes were a pair of old brown work boots that were a size too small and worn out but he couldn't care less as the tip of his laces were a shiny metal, and shiny was the one thing he was bound to look for, especially during the night where he would lurk the most. He lived near a fast food joint where he would constantly try to reach into the cars of customers and take the shiniest thing that he could find but most of the time he would fail as it wouldn't end well with the angry customers that would end up scowling at him before driving off.

   Scraggle’s just couldn't help himself, as anything that was shiny he just had to somehow be able to get his musty crusty hands on it. That's when he saw something from the corner of his eye walking in the distance away from the fast food joint it was an old man walking with a cane while holding onto his back as if he was in some sort of pain having shiny change unleash itself from his pockets, leaving a trail behind him as each one made a “ping” every time it hit the cold cement ground.

   “Ooooo so shiny!” Said Scraggles as his greenish brown eyes began to light up like the lights on a christmas tree, his mind telling him that he needed the shiny trail of coins in front of him. He came running towards the trail as fast as his scrawny legs could, bending over to pick up each of the coins that had fallen out of the old man's pocket. It was like he was in heaven, as if he had just discovered a pot of gold calling out his name as in that moment nothing else was on his mind except the one thing he loved so dearly.

  “God damn it my back is seriously killing me right now. I wonder if I'll make it to grab the newspaper from today.” said the man while continuing to hold onto his back, heading over to the newspaper box near the restaurant. He was wearing a light blue plaid button up tucked into his brown jeans that had a brown belt keeping his pants up. He had white hair and was nearly bald, wearing a pair of black dress shoes as well as a pair of dark blue glasses so that he could see what 
was around him due to having poor vision. After a few moments of the man walking extremely slowly, he was able to make his way to the blue newspaper box. Suddenly Scraggles had an idea, if he had dropped so much change out of his pocket, there had to be even more in there! So with that, he began to creep towards him as slowly and steadily as he could like a mouse getting its cheese as steadily as possible away from a ravenous cat. As he walked carefully he managed to stick his matted hands into his back pocket, attempting to pull out any more spare change he had kept in his pocket when suddenly out of the blink of an eye, the man turned around only to notice that Scraggles was trying to steal his change!

  “What the hell are you doing boy? I could smell ya from a mile away and you think you can steal from me you musty old pig that pooped on a gym sock? I'll teach you a lesson!” The man scowled while turning around to face Scraggles the Gremlin, taking his brown cane as an attempt to whack him as Scraggles began to run away as fast as he could, holding onto all of his shiny coins as the man slowly ran mercilessly.

  “Noooooo not my shiny coins! I can't live without them!” He cried out as his coins began to drop on the ground beneath him. “Noooo my coins! I can't live without them!” He then bent down, getting himself off guard from the man yelling for him to come back as he suddenly felt a whack against his poor head.

  “THAT WILL TEACH YOU!” The man shouted as he grabbed Scraggles by the shirt, drop 
kicking him back to his trash can as he became really sad since he didn't have his shiney coins he loved more than anything anymore. :(

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