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The hardest part was to walk ahead in the desolate wilderness.
Not because of what waited for me in the future,
but because of what I was leaving in the past.
With my broken flashlight, I continued to forge paths that would lead me somewhere unknown.
It seems there was no one out there, no matter how I called.
Howling winds and a stormy winter-there's no one out there to keep me sane anymore.
As the lights stop working, so does my hope.
giving in to despair, I threw that once that gave me beacon.
I found ruins in the middle of nowhere.
As walls crumble, a castle is in shambles.
A kingdom in ashes A kingdom in flames
Guess I'll camp here in the night and prepare the altar of offerings.
It's a polar night at the north pole.
I found an antique clock in the ruins; it reads and stops at 3:00
Old people like this kind of clock, and so do I.
I only have 10 cookies. I should finish them now, lest someone beat me to it.
I ate the first one, and I could remember my life along with my baby steps, those laughters, and the pain for all those years.
I ate for almost 15 minutes. I rolled my eyes in those moments. There is no need for further regrets.
It's time to make my bed and rest.
I stared at darkness, feels like looking in the abyss.
I smiled as I could feel the polar night finally ending along with the last remnant of winter.
Winter is finally leaving, along with my last remaining warmth, so I would embrace the incoming light and conclude my pilgrimage.
I offer thee to Gaia my soul as my last offering and embrace the incoming spring.
I hope that spring can find me again and embrace me in my cradle.

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