•Lilian's POV•
Tomorrow is a very big day...
It's me and Chase's one-month anniversary!!!!
I'm not sure if other people celebrate it, but I'm going to.
I don't care what other people do.
Chase has a hockey game today after school at six I think, I want to surprise him with something nice since he's usually the one who plans dates.
From what he's told me I think this is a pretty big game,
I wasn't totally awake when he told me over the phone, to be fair, it was like two in the morning.
We spend a lot of time at each other's house, and when that can't happen he usually calls me just before bed.
We talk about random things till I fall asleep. After that I don't know what he does, I'm assuming he falls asleep around then too because he never hangs up.
My dad and April are coming home soon, I'm going to get her opinion on where we should go.
Should I get him a present?
Does he want one?
He puts so much thought into the things he does for me, I want to do the same for him.
After school, I'll go to the mall.
I think I have an idea of what to get to him.
•Chase's POV•
Tomorrow's the day.
It's me and Lili's one-month anniversary.
Every day I wake up thankful I get to hold her little body in my arms and call her mine.
She owns my whole heart and she may not even know it, but she has had it in the palm of her hand for a while now.
I'm just too much of a pussy to tell her.
I've been planning this day for a while now, I didn't want to just take her to dinner and get her flowers since that is what we do on a usual date.
I thought of this during class the other day and it's perfect. I went to the mall to get her a present.
She's a surprisingly hard person to shop for.
I know she would be happy with anything but I wanted it to be perfect just like her.
Took me a while but I think I nailed it.
I have a game tonight, it's a big one scouts are coming from all over to watch us play.
If they like what they see, scholarships here we come.
That's the next step closer to the NHL, for as long as I can remember that has been most of our dreams.
No pressure.
•Lilian's POV•
Me and April talked for a while and I have a perfect idea.
I think he'll love it, at least I hope.
School by exceptionally slow, slower than usual and I like school to a certain degree.
Socials were probably my favourite class today. We're learning about the MAIN causes of WW1.
Me and Gen have been getting closer in socials, it's nice to have a friend in that class, and it gives me a reason to sit on the other side of the room away from Emma.

Always ✔︎
RomanceSoul•mate /sohl-meyt/ ~Someone who understands you, loves you, and will be there for you like no other.~ We all love a good cliché right? Those stories that have you giddy, kicking your feet and blushing. The ones that make you believe that true lov...