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After twenty minutes of muffled moans and other unusual sounds coming from the storeroom, Derek emerged from the room. He smiled and nodded and whispered a "thank you" to the man behind the counter. Then he left the store.

Five minutes later, a flushed Meredith emerged. She was murmuring to herself as she tried to exit the store as quickly as possible without actually running. She tried valiantly to ignore the stares of the two people standing near the checkout counter. Cringing inwardly, she reminded herself to reprimand Derek about his need for instant gratification. Well, the man had already shown remarkable patience. Maybe after waiting twenty years, he'd just run out. Perhaps she should cut him some slack. She giggled to herself remembering what had just happened in that storeroom. His misbehavior did have its definite advantages.

As she walked out of the store, Derek surprised her by grabbing her hand and pulling her close to him. "You are crazy," she said. "You're lucky you're going to be hours away," she said, feigning anger. "I should kill you for that."

Derek just grinned at her. "That was hot. Really hot. Let's see if they have another storeroom around here."


"Kidding. I'm sorry. I'm crazy and desperate and have no pride about admitting how much I want you...need you..."

They kissed until they both were dizzy. As he pulled back to gaze at her, he asked, "Forgive me?"

"Mhmmm...," a still dazed Meredith responded.

"I'll miss you. We'll call every day. Talk every night," he said, hugging her tightly and trying to grasp the very essence of her.

"I don't want you to leave," she whispered softly as she clung to him desperately.

"If I stay, we'll have more airport sex," he said, trying to grin despite his misery. "I like airport sex. More airport sex, I say."

"OK. Go. Or you'll miss your flight. I love you so much," she said, tracing her fingertips along his cheek.

"I love you, too," he whispered back to her.

Derek entered the roped off area for security and began walking the winding path back and forth with the other departing passengers. Meredith walked along the outside edge of the barrier, and Derek stopped to kiss her every time his path brought him back to her.

Before either of them were ready, they reached the end of the line. As he kissed her fiercely, they both heard a frustrated voice echo behind him, "Sir. I need your boarding pass."

Derek looked at Meredith longingly, "Go buy a ticket."

"No. You know I can't. Go. I love you, Derek."

He moved closer to her again and kissed her tenderly.

"Sir!" the guard barked, clearly not amused with the distraction they were causing.

They finally wrenched themselves apart. Both were teary-eyed. Derek made it past the guard, and spent his time standing in line for the x-ray machines just looking back at Meredith. She stood frozen in the spot in which he'd kissed her. They just looked at each other. No words would have come anyway, but none were necessary. Their hearts were still communicating as they always had even when they were miles and years and a spouse apart.

Derek watched Meredith for as long as he could still see her. He felt his heart clench when he lost sight of her face. Dying more than a little inside, Meredith remained in the spot where he'd kissed her. Her tears freely flowing now that he couldn't watch her fall apart, she stood remembering the image of him backing away from her. God how she loved that man! She missed him terribly and he was still in the same airport where she stood.

Eventually, Meredith turned and made her way out of the airport. She'd just hail a cab and go home. Her cell phone rang three times before she even noticed. She almost didn't check the number but she could never resist doing so when it might be her kids and an emergency. Her heart leapt when she saw her list of missed calls. Before she could hit redial, her phone rang again. She answered more quickly than she'd have thought possible.

"I love you, Derek Shepherd."

"You, too, Meredith. Are you OK? You looked so sad."

"I just miss you so much."

"Can you make it two weeks? If not, I can clear my calendar and come sooner."

"No. I'll be fine. I can do this. We can do this. You'll call me, right?"

"All the time."



And the lovers talked about everything and nothing and exchanged words of love and affection until Derek's plane was ready to back away from the gate. They both winced in pain as they ended the call.

Off to the airport! Now if only I had a Derek and a storeroom available....

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