The mad Hatter chronicles
Chapter 41
Alice go home
Jack's P.o.v
As we all sat and gathered our many long held thoughts Hatter of course was the first to speak. He stood up and stayed near Alice. His hands crept to her shoulders where her hands met his.
I wasn't sure if this bothered me but I didn't enjoy watching it.
If I was focused more on my Queen I would have noticed her eyes on mine.
Could I be anymore foolish today?
Hatter spoke and I pretended to care about his feeling for Alice. I knew him going was wrong. That is all it was, nothing more.
"I understand the human connection there but obviously I and Alice are also connected. Before he came around she was sure what she wanted now bringing him here she is more confused." Hatter argued.
"We just want what's best." Pillar says.
"Alice, what do you want?" He asks her kneeling beside her.
It is obvious to all of us she has no clue. Hatter is angry and becoming mad again.
"Tell us please. We are running out of time. If you go I will never see you again. Is this what you want?" Hatter asks taking her hand.
"I don't want that. I would like to see all of you again." Alice says looking around the room.
"You must go back home. Once you do another Alice will begin. If one doesn't....well then maybe it is possible." Peter smiled.
"I am not taking chances on possibilities. Alice stays here or I go." Hatter stands.
Spade stands to speak.
"I must say something. Diamond no longer is crowned a Royal." She announces tossing the crown on the ground.
Mouths' gasps. I of course know my Queen; this was in the making as my near hour of reckoning.
"She is not becoming anything with my brother. Wonderland is out another Queen. Our female Royals are not only withered and traitors but missing. We have one here that has been around since the beginning yet we keep throwing her back. She has not only caught the eye of the king of hearts at one time but the Hatter himself once before and yet again."
Spade walked to Alice and stood her up.
"Deaths in your world are a terrible thing, yes they are but here we can fix that. Here we can possibly never die. You have been here long enough to survive. This torture that you humans feel; back and forth to our world to then yours will never end until one Alice stays here. One of our kinds already made the choice to stay in the human's world and yet here we are." Spade smiled then turned to her brother Hatter.
"Thank you." Hatter returned with a smile.
"What did you do to Diamond?" Peter asked.
"Do not worry. She is in her home. Diamond admitted to being a traitor and betraying us in many ways. A Wonderlandian like that will never be trusted. If we see her again she will be put away." Spade walked over to Pillar.
He smiled and handed her his hookah stem.
"Thank you." She said taking in a long drag.
"Chester should speak. He brought this friend here for Alice and confused everyone." I mentioned.
"Maybe we should her from our Alice for once." Small added.
Alice smiled at Small; a friend she has made here and grown to love more than most of us it may seem.
"I do not know what to say but I do want to be here and I do want to be home also. My father needs me. Once he sees Tony is gone also he will be all alone." Alice tells.
"I can't let you forget about us and about me." Hatter tries to whisper.
"I think you should go home with Tony first sun. The looking glass is working best now. We do not know what could happen then. Spade says Diamond betrayed us; what damaged she caused for you we do not yet know. Let us worry about your memory. You worry about your father." Pillar states.
"Will I be able to come back and see you all? Will you see me at least for a while?" Alice asks.
"We can worry about that when the time comes. You do want to go home Alice?" Peter asked.
We all listened carefully for her following words. Alice seemed stumbled. Yet to me it was obvious she wants to stay at home with her father. Tony would be the one taking her home.
"Why can't you decide anymore?" Hatter impatiently asked.
It was time for Hatter to show the mad. It didn't look as if anyone was going to stop him. I knew I wasn't.
This outburst he would be giving to Alice would cause her more damage and she would look at him differently if not at all.
He looked angry and she looked scared. Hatter tried taking her hand Alice seemed tensed.
"I won't stop until you choose to see me. This is what you wanted. Just tell everyone were going to help each other when your home." Hatter whispers.
Alice lips parted.
"I think Wonderland needs their ruler. I am sure my dad needs me."
Hatter stood up. His hands reached for his hat smoothing the rim.
"And your friend; does he need you also?" Hatter grimaced.
"Matter of fact he does. He has been there for my parents while I been here for all of you. Everything will work out Hatter calm down please." Alice said giving him a little smile.
He smiled back.
"Go home Alice."
Hatter blurted walking out the room.
"There is no need for that Hatter!" I shouted out.
"Let him be Jack." Spade tells me.
Alice folded her hands in her lap. Her head dropped.
"Someone should go talk to him." Peter says.
"He isn't a child. We know the issue. If it cannot be fixed let him be. I would like to dismiss myself and Jack from this meeting if that is alright with everyone." Spade tells grabbing the front of her black triangle shape gown.
She takes some steps towards the same doors Hatter walked out of.
"Well dear friends, I will be with you shortly." I smiled.
The smile covered my inner anguish. Spade was not like any other Queen. She spoke her mind and freely gave away what she was feeling. Too humanlike I would say. Hatter and she were always humanlike in many ways.
I followed my Queen to where she wished to speak. We halted our feet at one of the further away rooms from the meeting taking place without us.