Chapter 28: Setting a Date

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Audra and Gyeong-Ja were bummed when I told them that I couldn't make it to our planned Halloween movie-thon. I felt like a jerk for bailing, especially when I knew that I'd have a lot more fun with them. But the thought of attending Aurelia's party became even harder to swallow when I got a text from William on Wednesday, as Theo and I were leaving English.

Gustavo's on Friday?

I stopped in the middle of the hallway, interrupting Theo's monologue about how epic this weekend was going to be. It was like I'd forgotten how to breathe, and my fingers were cold, but my torso was buzzing.

It was happening. William had asked me out. He'd set a date.

"...with pumpkins all along the Desautels estate lawn, and lanterns in the—what's the matter?" Theo backtracked to where I'd stopped and reached for my phone.

I pressed it to my chest. A grin sprang onto my face as I looked up at him. "I can't go to the party. I have plans."

He frowned and reached for my phone in earnest. This time, I let him have it and bit my lip against a giddy squeal that would've attracted far too many stares in the busy hallway.

Theo shook his head, handing back my phone. "Nope. You're coming to the party."

"No, I'm not. And you're not going to—"

Eyeing Giselle and Emma as they passed us on their way back to the dorms, Theo grabbed my arm and pulled me into an empty classroom. "You realize why he asked you on Friday, right?"

Despite Theo's growing scowl, I lost the battle to my giddy grin. "Because he wants to take me on a date, and Friday is definitely a 'more-than-just-friends' kind of night."

"Not exactly. Not when it's Madeleine's birthday on Saturday and, last I checked, he's still taking her to the Harvest Gala in a few weeks," Theo fired back. "He's testing you, Emdubs. To see if you'll drop everything for him."

But even though I shook my head, a pit yawned open in my stomach. I clutched my phone tighter. "He's not testing me. Besides, your parents are making him take her. That's not a real date."

Theo's eyes went flinty. He took a step closer to tower over me. "Oh, it's real all right. And my parents couldn't care less who he brings, so long as she cleans up well and minds her manners. If you don't believe me, then tell him you're only free on Saturday and see who he picks."

I held his unrelenting gaze until I couldn't anymore. I hated that all my excitement had vanished, burst by Theo's words. Worse, I hated the doubt taking root in my mind. There really was only one way to figure out who was lying, and it was exactly what Theo had suggested. Swallowing, I unlocked my screen.

And yet I hesitated. Maybe it was because of the last time I'd gone head-to-head with Madeleine for William's attention. Maybe it was because the stakes were bigger this time—if William bailed on Madeleine and picked me, then this whole charade with Theo would be over. And that was what I wanted. Wasn't it?

Can't do Friday. Saturday instead?

I fired the text off before I could second guess myself. Theo sat back against a desk. A frown still darkened his expression as he traced the edge.

William's reply bubble popped up. I held my breath.

Hmm...Saturday's no good for me. You sure you can't make Friday work?

I deflated, plunking down against the desk beside Theo. He read William's reply, then patted my shoulder. "Sorry, Emdubs."

I chewed my cheek, hating the prickling behind my eyes. But I wasn't about to let Theo see me cry, so I swallowed the lump in my throat and said, "What, no 'I told you so'?"

"Nah. I'm a graceful winner." His hand lingered as he leaned over to peer down at me. "You okay?"

"As long as this plan of yours works, I will be," I replied, then made the mistake of looking up at him.

His eyes had gone all soft again. Suddenly, our proximity and his comforting hand and the way he'd picked up on me being upset was too much. I hopped off the desk.

"So, since you know your brother so well, what should I reply?"

Theo rose slowly, readjusting his backpack. "That depends. How stone-cold do you want to be?"

"Full Bobby Drake Iceman."

He chuckled at the X-Men reference. "Then keep it simple. 'Nope, sorry' ought to do the trick."

I typed it out and hit send, then shoved my phone into my blazer pocket.

"Atta girl," Theo said.

And for some reason, a smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he gestured for me to precede him out the door.

**A/N: "for some reason" hahaha oh Ellie, c'mon girl!! This one was pretty short because the next three weeks are longer, and the coming hijinks will hopefully make up for it! As always, if you enjoyed it, please take a moment to vote and comment!!**

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