(COMPLETED) It's time for the children to choose the life they wish to live. Their demonic side.... Or their angelic side.
What choice will they choose? And what will happen when a past that wasn't their own, comes back for a fi...
The sins, all seven fell from seemingly nothing before landing roughly onto an all-white, tile floor. Do-Wan cooly walked in from a door the lay beside.
"What did you do?" Namjoon hissed as he rushed to his feet, ready to slaughter Do-Wan, but when he went to touch him, he fell right through the young man.
Do-Wan chuckled, wiping down his newly worn brown three-piece suit. "I'm your guide genius, you can't touch me."
Do-Wan looks at Jimin as he slowly walks in a circle, taking in his surroundings,
"Are...Are we at the hospital?" Jimin asks
Do-Wan smiles, "Mm...Where your lives changed forever."
The rest stand slowly, also taking in their surroundings.
"What magic is this?" Jungkook wonders
"When I chose good, my father's power, which was passed down to me, was heightened."
"You're a visionary, aren't you?" Taehyung asked with a small smirk
"Mmm...Imagine this as..." Do-Wan thinks for a moment, "Visionary marked 2. When powered enough and when the moment calls, I can take you to your innermost valuable memories...The ones that seem lost but also the ones that helped make you who you are." He points to the door, "Go in there."
Jin looks to the others, he stood closest to the door, and he gently pushed it open, the sun shining through causing them to shield their eyes only a small amount.
"Why am I here?" Jimin wonders
"Because I think there are some things that you need to remember too," Do-Wan says before ushering his father in with the others.
Jimin followed in line with them, once inside, the door closed and Do-Wan was nowhere to be found. He watched Namjoon and Jungkook, as they stood motionless for a moment.
"What are you guys doing all the way over there?"
Jimin's eyes went to what everyone seemed to be staring at...
You sat up in your hospital bed, holding two very small babies. No one spoke, only stared oddly at you. Jimin smiled,
"Hey Princess," he played along, walking over to you and placing a sweet kiss on your forehead.
"What's wrong with them?" You asked jokingly, "Are they shocked to see the babies? They were there for the births...Should I be worried?"
Jimin shook his head, "Namjoon...Jungkook? Don't you want to hold the boys?"
They looked confusedly at Jimin before glancing back at the babies. They couldn't lie...They felt the pull that the babies had. But they didn't understand it, they weren't sure they wanted to.
Jungkook moved first, he didn't know why but the left side of you was calling to him. He felt uneasy, his mind clouded only with the thought that he needed that baby. He made it to your side and you loosened your arm as he went to hold the newborn.
Instantly, the child relaxed in his arms and he relaxed with him. "What is his name?" Jungkook asked, booping the small child's nose before relating a small, cute giggle.
You chortled, "What is his name?" you mocked, "Tokki...You know that! You named him! Jeesh...I thought I was drugged up," she said softly to Jimin who only smiled lovingly
"Tok--Tokki?" Jungkook thought to himself before he glanced at Namjoon
"The other..." Namjoon began before stepping around to your right side to take the baby from you, as he held the baby his heart melted, and all anger he felt was diminished, "Gogyul?" he questioned before looking at you.
You chuckled, "Of course...You named him... Hoseok, Jin, Yoongi, Taehyung...Come see them.." You said excitedly.
Though hesitant, the boys came to curl around the babies, falling in love with their little faces as soon as they saw them.
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Suddenly the scene changed, the babies were now only remnants, as the hospital room became a corridor. The air was sweet, comforting like a hug and they couldn't figure out why.
"Where are we?" Hoseok wondered
"Is this earth? It has to be earth..." Taehyung joins
"This..." Jimin begins before walking further in, toward the stairs, "This is our home...Our family home." He chuckles seeing the decor, "I will never understand why she painted the walls red...This was such a beautiful home, just as it was."
"What do you mean, 'Our home'?" Yoongi queries
"This is where we've raised our kids, where we've had dinner...Where we've lived our lives for the past 26 years." Jimin says softly
"Where is that boy? To explain all of this?! Do...Do-" Jin says
"Do-Wan?" Taehyung says sweetly with a hint of surprise before he kneels to a boy running into the room,
The small, chubby boy giggles, "Yes Daddy? You have to be quick! Mama is playing hide and seek!"
"What?" Hoseok and Yoongi say in sync
"There is no way that that small thing is the asshat that we spoke to earlier--"
"Oooooh...Daddy Hobi...Mama is gunna get youuuu for saying uh bad wurd." Do-Wan says before trying to hurry up the stairs by climbing up using both hands and feet.
"Do-Wan--" Taehyung says before running after the boy
"Taehyung!" Yoongi shouts before running after him, "This is unsafe territory; we must stay together!"
Jimin chuckles as he sees the two men dip around the corner upstairs.
Jin takes his own time to explore and Namjoon and Jungkook head toward where they hear a commotion.
Jimin smiled brightly, he remembered this day, you were preparing for Friday night's family date and they had just gotten home from work. When your home was full of happiness and love and not constant bickering.
Hoseok stayed beside him as he walked throughout the house, mesmerized by how much everything that changed in their current timeline.
"As beautiful as times were...This was a difficult one if I remember correctly..." He mumbles