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Amelie and Lexa are riding through the countryside, followed by their entourage which features Nia's body. Clarke is seen riding next to Leta with Mira sitting in front of Clarke. 

Lexa: Thinking about home?

Amelie: I don't know if Arkadia is home. I wanted to stay at Polis even if I wasn't an ambassador. It's where my mom is. Arkadia is the place I left.

Lexa: You have returned as a hero to your people. You could come back to Polis once your done again. Right now, Ripa returns with the body of the Ice Queen. You bring your people justice.

Amelie: We bring our people justice.



At Arkadia's gates. Pike, Kira, Bellamy, Hannah, and the other 7 return from their massacre. They are covered in blood. Abby, Kane, and Octavia are all watching.

Abby: My God, look at them.

Octavia runs up to Bellamy.

Octavia: Bellamy, you okay?

Bellamy: I'm fine.

Octavia: What happened out there?

Bellamy walks away from her. Pike comes in last.

Pike: Lock it up.

The gates close. Pike steps a top a platform.

Pike: Everybody, listen up. 24 hours ago you elected me your chancellor. Every action I've taken since and every action I will take will be to achieve one sacred goal. The creation of a self-sustaining, prosperous, and safe Arkadia.

Alost everyone cheers. Abby and Kane look disturbed.

Pike: This morning on a muddy field our people paid tribute to those who have been taken from us by sending a message to the Grounders. This land is ours now!

Crowd continues cheering.

Pike: Resist, and you will be met by force. Fight, and you will be greeted by death. Today is a new beginning. Mark it down, remember it, just like the Grounders will remember it.

Abby: No wounded. 10 against 300 and there's no wounded. How's that possible?

Meanwhile Amelie and Lexa's party arrive at Arkadia. Both Amelie and Lexa seem in deep conversation but they are interrupted.

Grounder: Heda!

Everyone pulls up short. Amelie and Lexa find themselves looking on a field covered in the dead bodies of Lexa's peace-keeping force. Currently Amelie is inspecting the dead alongside Lexa and others..

Amelie: All bullet wounds.

Grounder: Heda! Come quick!

Lexa and Amelie come running to find Indra, wounded.

Lexa: Indra!

Indra: Heda!

Clarke approaches Indra to help her.

Clarke: I need bandages.

Indra: Stay away. You're one of them.

Lexa [in Trig]Indra, let her help. 

The Rebel Daughter - Clarke Griffin & Raven ReyesWhere stories live. Discover now