star wars:troubled paths.

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I remember my first day of training in the imperial academy on corellia Im a soldier of the empire but my name is Gareth. It was unexpected and hard with everyone trying to be at the top, other students trying to be number 1 so to impress the instructors as to ensure a spot in the empire. But that didn't work much as skill and cunning was preferred then pettiness and fools which believe they can have anything they want. I didn't have much friends besides TK-1265936 and TK 098749225 or Derek and Mila. We went through training together and graduated. We where lucky too because the others who didn't either died or broke down mentally to the point where reconditioning would be a waste of time and send them back on the streets. It was hell in the academy but we're now stormtroopers, the empires finest shock troopers. Skip 6 years later and we're on endor in lord Vader's legion. I have been around lord Vader a few times before. i felt cold, weak, empty whenever he was near and it made us uneasy but you get used to after once or twice. When lord Vader was on the battlefield it made our moral strong and gave us the will to win like he was a angel of the empire and a bringer of imperial justice to the rebels. When we on simple duty's like patrolling a ship or guarding a base we felt a little easier in our boots.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2023 ⏰

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