Mix ups (To, too, two kind of stupid)

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While Ezn put this in the category of Miscellaneous, I think these mix ups need their own chapter considering how often they are done.

Two, To, too:

'Two' is the number. How do you even mistake that one?

'To' is a connection of sorts. In indicates that X is for Y.

'Too' is an increase. 'Too stupid'. It can also mean that someone or something is also influenced or doing something. "I, too, paint acrylic."

Your, You're:

You see the apostrophe in 'you're'? That word is a fusion. 'You' and 'are'. 'Your' is just one word. It means something is your possession.

There, their, They're:

There: physical  location

Their: possession of a group or a non-binary person

They're: a fused word, 'they are'. A group is something.

Where, we're/we've, were, wear:

Where: a questioning word, asking for a location

We're: we are

We've: we have

wear: a verb

Scarred/scared: Someone has scars and someone is afraid. From the list, this is my arch nemesis.

If you struggle, carry a note with the explanation or just google it every time.

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