Chapter 18: Meet my Grandma

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When we came back home, David took me to my parents. When I got there, I rang the doorbell waiting for someone to answer. A few minutes later, my dad opened the door. When we saw me, he gave me a big hug and said,

"Hi Natalie, I'm you ate back home and safe."

"Hi dad"

"Did you kids have fun?"

"Yes. We had lots and lots of fun. Where's mom?"

"She's inside in the kitchen. Go and surprise her."


"Hey David"

"Hey. Can I ask you something?"


"See you later Baby," I said to David as I have him a kiss.

"Ok." Then I went into the kitchen as David and my dad talked.

When I got to the kitchen and smiled.

"Hi mommy," I said trying to sound like April.

"Hi April," she said, not looking up.

"I'm not April mom," I said laughing and talking my real voice. As my mom looked up, she dropped everything and ran to hug me.

"Hi Natalie. How are you?"

"I'm good mom."

"Did you guys have fun?"


"That's good. I'm glad you're home because we are spending a few days by my mom's house."

"I know. Oh ummm is it ok if David tags along. I want grandma to meet him and I think Travis is going to bring Brianna too."

"Yes its fine and I know she is going to love both of them."

"Yea, well I got to go home and get so sleep."

"Ok honey and you are going up to be a wonderful young lady and I know David is lucky to have you."

"Thank you mom and he is."

"Well she you tomorrow honey."

"Bye mom." Then I hugged her and went back to David and my dad. When I got to them, they suddenly stopped talking.

"Hey honey," David said smiling.

"Hi," I said suspicious, "is there something that I should know about?"

"No," my dad said.

"Ok. Well David can we go home, I want to sleep."

"Ok but you need to get your own car," he said laughing.

"I know, I already have my license all I need is a car and money."


"Well bye dad, I love you."

"I love you too baby. We'll talk David and call me sometime."

"Ok." Then we left and got into the car. In the car, I was wondering what my dad and David were talking about but I was too tired to ask him any questions. On our way home, I happened to fall asleep. When we arrived home, David carried my upstairs and rest my down on the bed. He soon took off my clothes, put the blanket on me and he got into bed too and we fell asleep.

In the morning, when I woke up, I woke with my head on David's bare chest. As I looked up at him, he looked so sexy sleeping and I kissed him on his chin. Suddenly, David squeezed me and said,

"Good morning princess."


"How did you sleep?"

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