Rain's Stubborn Soulmate

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The medicine you were supposed to take stayed on the bathroom counter. The throbbing pains across your body start to intensify. You try to stand, but everything shakes and shoots pain throughout your body. It becomes too unbearable, "Rain...Rain? Please, Rain, please." You plead, hoping that he can sense your pain,

"Rain?! Oh my Satan, are you okay?" Sodo asks, catching his friend as he falls to the ground. His bass slams to the ground, ringing out a nasty sound through the amp. Aether quickly turns it off, "It's-It's...AHHHH" he screams, another wave of pain washing over him, "It's Y/n. It's Y/n she's in pain he feels it because they're soulmates." Mountain explains setting down his drumsticks and moving over to help his friend. Rain's nails dig into Sodo as the pain in his abdomen worsens, "I-I have to ge-get to her." He says through gritted teeth, trying to stand. Sodo and Mountain help him stand, but he instantly crumbles. Mountain picks Rain up bridal style and runs towards your shared room, Sodo and Aether in toe.

You sit in the bed, your body numb from the pain. You were supposed to take medication to regulate it, but your legs stung with each step, body shakes with each movement, and head pounds at any thoughts. Rain is supposed to tend to you, after all you were engaged, but he had to practice for the new album and you stubbornly assured him that you'd be okay. The door slams open and you jump, a limp Rain in Mountains arms, You shoot up out of bed, the pain subsiding due to adrenaline, "Oh my Satan! Rain? Rain! What happened?" Mountain quickly lays Rain on the bed and removes his mask, you turn to Sodo, "SODO WHAT HAPPENED?" You beg, feeling your legs about to give out, he catches you, "When was the last time you took your medication?" You gulp nervously, "L-last night." You shyly admit, "Dammit Y/n. You know you're supposed to take them every four hours." Aether scolds going into the bathroom to get the pills and a cup of water, "I'm sorry, it hurt too much." You whimper, everything starting to hurt again. Sodo helps you over to the bed, sitting you on the edge. He sits beside you, keeping you sitting upright.

Aether comes back out with the pills and water, "Take these." he says in his dad voice, leaving no room for debate. You quickly take the pills and hear Rain groan, "Rain, Rain I am so so sorry." You saw, crawling over to him. He instantly pulls you closer to him, your head resting on his chest. His heart was pounding, a clear sign of the pain he was in, "No, no. I'm not leaving you again, fuck Y/n" He groans, the pain finally subsiding. Aether, Sodo, and Mountain stand by the door, "You guys can go, thanks." Rain mumbles, lifting and lowering his hand lazily, a goodbye. The boys leave.

Rain opens his eyes and shifts himself to sit against the headboard, you get off of him. He runs one hand through his hair, the other rests behind you, "Satan, it feels like that?" You nod, feeling more than bad that you caused him pain by being lazy, "Dove, you never told me how bad it was, I would have never left." He wraps his arm around your shoulder, lowering you to lay on his thing. His hands play with your hair as you curl against his leg, "Sleep, love." He whispers, becoming infatuated with you all over again. You nuzzle into his leg, he giggles, "Are you a cat now?" He jokes. You meow softly, making you both laugh, "I love you so much." He says quietly, noticing you drifting off again, "I can't wait to marry you." You smile softly, and fall asleep, the pain meds finally working. 

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