Lemon Chapter: Erza

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Drake and Erza are at one of Erza's favourite restaurants at Magnolia to have something to eat.

Drake: You don't really have to do this, Erza.

Erza: (smile) No. You helped us many times than I could count so its my treat, besides you're actually the only one that show no fear towards me.

Drake: Well, how come everyone fears you?

Erza: It's not for a bad reason. They just get scared when I get mad if they do something stupid.

Drake: So you're like Makarov's second in command or something like that?

Erza: You could say that.

Drake: I heard from Mira that you, Gray and Natsu know each other since you were kids?

Erza: Yes. When I first came to the guild I see those two arguing. So I beat them several times everyday until they stop. Sometimes I caught them fighting so I have to stop them.

Drake: So you don't like friends fighting friends?

Erza: No we are in a guild, and we should get along each other better instead of fighting.

Drake: Well it's not always like that Erza. Sometimes we get along while sometimes we fight, it's what being in a family is about.

Erza: Yeah, I guess you're right.

The waiter brought one cake for Erza and the other for Drake and they start to eat. Drake look over to Erza and see she was enjoying hers.

Drake: (smile) You like cakes, don't you?

Erza: Yes, but my favourite one is a strawberry short cake one.

Drake: Huh, just like me. 

Erza: Hey Drake?

Drake: Yes?

Erza digs her fork on a piece of cake and lifts it close to him. 

Erza: (smile) Want one of mine?

Drake was surprised before he nods and took a bit on Erza's cake and swallow it.

Drake: (smile) Mmmm... That's good.

Erza: (smile) I haven't have been this happy for a while.

Drake: (smile) Then let's enjoy ourselves.

Erza: (smile) Sure.

They continue eating their cake, and after that it was night time as they arrive at Drake's house.

Drake: That was fun afternoon. 

Erza: (blush) Hey Drake? 

Drake: Yeah? 

Erza: (blush) Is it okay if I come inside?

Drake: Sure, but why? 

Erza: Well, it's just...

Drake: (confused) Hm? 

Erza: Oh, screw it. 

Erza then gave him a surprised kiss on the lips which catches him off guard. Drake then decided to kiss back before they broke it for a few seconds. 

Drake: So... 

Erza: (blush) Yes, I actually have feelings for you since you joined Fairy Tail. And I've been meaning to tell that I love you. 

Drake: (smile) If that's how you feel, then I can accept that. 

Erza smile as the two enter his house. 

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