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The past two months had taught me a lot. One, I can be a softie, for one person. And two...I really like said person.

I watched as she silently worked on some papers for the hotel. She was always quiet, unless she was around me.

I sat at my desk, watching her.

She looked up, smiling at me. I just blinked at her before looking down again.

I promised her I wouldn't do anything unless we were upstairs. But we had limited space, and she would barely sleep here.

I looked back up as she yawned. It was maybe four in the afternoon, but I knew she didn't get sleep.

She would sleep on the couch sometimes during the day. Just take little hour long naps.

"Alright. Finish up Mar."

She nodded and finished her papers. I stood up and held out my arm for her to take.

She took it as we walked out of the office. People greeted us here and there. Most of them were undercover.

"Lloyd?" She asked timidly as we got into our room.

"Yeah." I whispered.

"Can I sleep on the couch for a bit?"

I nodded. She was such a little sweetheart.

"Go get changed."

I went into the bedroom and got changed myself. She was walking into the bedroom to grab her blanket while I put my shirt on.

"Hey." I whispered. She looked over at me. I nudged her into bed. I knew that she would sleep more comfortably here.

"No..." she whispered. I kissed her head.

"You're not gonna sleep well out there."

"Yes I am." She said. I sighed and nodded.

She walked out. I moved to grab her hand as she walked into the little living room.

I pulled her in. She looked up at me with tired eyes.

"You wanna get a different room to sleep in or something? I hate to see you like this."

She shook her head.

"I just don't want to sleep there."

"Well what can I do?"

"Not make me sleep there." She whispered.

"I'm not gonna make you." I said. I moved a piece of her hair behind her ear.

She leaned into my touch. God she was wiped.

I moved her down onto the couch, making her giggle. I wrapped the blanket on her.

"If I get my men in here then..."

"Denny will know." She said. I pecked her lips and sighed.

"What am I gonna do with you?" I asked as I leaned over her. She was laying on her back.

She closed her eyes for a second.

"I just..."

"I know. You feel invaded I know.."

She nodded.

I kissed her head and sighed. She leaned into me.

"I just...I don't know..."

I got up, pushing the coffee table out of the way, and pushing the other couch next to her. She smiled.

"We sleep here tonight."

She rolled her eyes and watched as I grabbed blankets and pillows. I threw a pillow at her. She giggled.

I got onto the couch with her as she sprawled her legs out. I kissed her softly as she relaxed.

"I'm gonna find a way to make you feel safer. We still have lots of time left here...but I promise." 

She nodded, resting her forehead against mine. Our noses brushed, making me smile.

"Get some real sleep Margo."

She nodded, resting her little body in the crook of mine.

I'm telling you, I really really like her.

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