Ugh. Why did homework have to be so annoying? Couldn't teachers just give us a break? I banged my head against my desk for the hundredth time as I tried to figure out my homework for art history. I loved my teacher and I really loved art, but doing homework for it always gave me anxiety. I sighed, I needed to run, I was sick of my house it was too stuffy.
I stuffed my feet into my running shoes and jogged out into the chill autumn day. From there I took off down the hill picking up speed as I went the chill air biting my cheeks felt delicious. I pushed harder pumping my legs to go faster, loving the adrenalin rush. At the top of the next hill I paused to catch my breath, putting my head between my legs and stretching a bit. It had been too long since I had done that. I looked out over the rolling hills of Georgia, it really was beautiful here. I closed my eyes and let the silent world I live in surround me. When I was younger I would focus as hard as I could, to hear just one sound. Afterwards I would break down crying knowing that I would never hear again. I felt a breeze brush across my skin, and the sun on my face. Losing my hearing heightened the rest of my senses. Being able to feel everything around me was my way of coping. I started jogging down the hill taking my time. I felt a car pass me, and I kept my gaze directed forward. I always felt so uncomfortable when I accidentally made eye contact with people in cars, so I'd always pretend I didn't notice them. As the car passed I jogged across the street to the elementary school and sat down on a swing. I pulled out my phone to see four texts from Lyla, "Hey", "Helloooo," "Oh my gosh Layna answer me," and "UGH". I laughed softly and replied, "Oh my gosh you are so needy! What?" "Did you forget we're going to the silent movie tonight?!" I groaned. I couldn't believe I had forgotten she was so excited about it. I quickly replied, "Oh my gosh! I am so sorry I'm on my way!" I slid from the swing and jogged home, quickly changing into something a little more presentable then headed over to Lyla's.
Lyla ran out to greet me and basically shoved me into her car. "I'm so freaking excited to see this!" She danced, as she backed out of her driveway. I rolled my eyes and signed "weirdo" at her. She stuck her tongue out at me.
As we settled into our seats, I sat back ready to enjoy a movie that didn't matter if I could hear it or not. On came Charlie Chaplin with his comical slapstick humor. I let myself relax enjoying Chaplin's hilarious antics. I turned to see Lyla's entranced look and laughed, she was so addicted to old movies it was hilarious. I sighed contentedly, nothing could beat a fun night like this with your best friend.
I looked behind me yet again, just to make sure. Yep, It was her. The girl who sat in front of me in art history. Huh, who knew she liked old movies. I had seen her when I was driving to get milk from the grocery store. I had even honked and waved but she had ignored me. I looked back at her again, she was a lot prettier than I had remembered from his brief encounters with her. Her hair was pulled up into an easy ponytail and she was wearing a slim fitting t-shirt that showed off her figure. I turned my attention back to Chaplin. Well, we both liked old movies, she was cute and I had no friends yet, maybe it was time to get to know her a little more. I settled further into my seat, looking forward to my second day of school a little more.....
Authors note
Hey sorry it took me so long to get out the second chapter. I was having... issues figuring out where to go with it. I hope you like it!

I Can't Hear You
RandomAlayna's life is simple and easy all except for the fact that she's deaf. Ever since she was four years old she has never been able to hear. She goes to a normal high school and everyone knows she's deaf. Except for the new guy.