(Endie's PoV)
"I can't control myself." I said
"Haha... Foolish Endie... Last night when you felt dizzy I put a potion on you. For me to control you." Steve said and it made me remember last night."Finish them Endie!"
"No I don't want to." I said but I still couldn't control myself.
"Notch do you have a potion to-" Hero was cut off by Steve
"Potions can't stop me controlling her." Steve said
I began to walk to Notch with my sword. He splashed a swiftness potion on himself. But I still caught up to him and slashed my sword at him. He was unconsious but injured badly.
"I'm sorry Notch. I can't control myself." I said as tears were running down my face.
"Next up is Herobrine. Kill him!" Steve demanded
"No I won't!"
But I still moved towards him.
(Herobrine's PoV)
I saw her tears as they were harming her. She went to me with her sword in her hand.
"I won't fight you Endie."
She threw me to a wall. She was shooting at me with her bow and arrow. I dodged them all. She had her sword on my chest. She was about to stab me.
"I won't fight the person I love. I love you Endie."
Then she stopped and looked at me with her tears. She got her sword off my chest.
"How is this possible?!"Steve said
"I won't fight the person I love!" Endie said as she got her regeneration potions and splashed it on me and Notch.
"Hehe... I guess it's time for plan B." Steve said
Then everything went black... When I woke up I was in a room. I saw Endie with a face of disgust.
"Endie what happened?"
"What happened is that I said that I hate you." Endie said
"What Why?"
"You are the destroyer! You destroyed my home! You killed my sister and the Enderpeople!"
"No I didn't do that! No! This is not real!"
"Believe it is!"
(Endie's PoV)
"Where am I?"
"In the dungeon." My siser said
"Why am I here sister?"
"Don't call me sister. We are not sisters anymore! You killed our parents!"
"No I didn't! Believe me sister, I didn't!"
She slapped me and showed me my sword but with blood.
"You killed them! For that you will spend eternity in this cell."
"No!" Then I saw Herobrine and Alex come in the room.
"Alex... Hero! I didn't kill them!"
"I'm sorry Endie. But we saw it with our own eyes, You killed them." Alex said
"No Stop It!"
Then I saw water fill the cell. It hurt so bad.
"Help me please..."
"No." Hero said
(Notch's PoV)
"No... The world is destroyed."
"I am now the ruler of the world."
"No... This can't be happening."
(Carl's PoV)
"What happened to our home?!" I asked
"I don't know..." Matt said
"Both of you! Guards arrest them!" Queen Ellie said
"Why we didn't do anything wrong!"
"You destroyed the end!" she said
(John's PoV)
I decided to follow Endie. I heard screaming from inside and I went inside silently.
"Haha... Hero is afraid of being the destroyer. Endie is afraid of death. Notch is afraid of me ruling the world. The two guards are afraid of destruction."Steve laughed
"Oh no..."
I saw Endie's Sword and I got it and swung it at Steve. He was unconsious. There were these bubble like things that contained each one of them. I stabbed the bubble that contained Herobrine. It broke and Herobrine fell to the floor.
"What happened?" He asked
"No time to explain. We need to get the others out of their bubbles." He nodded and saw Endie crying. He broke her bubble and she fell to th ground.
"Endie?" Hero said
"No. Get away from me!" Endie demanded
"Endie it was a dream."
I began to break the others bubbles and they woke up.
"Endie it's okay..."Hero said
"We should get out of here." I said
"No we have to finish the job." Notch said
"Endie take John and find Alex." Hero said and she nodded
"Okay come on John."She said
(Herobrine's PoV)
"No I have been defeated."Steve said
"I'm sorry brother. This is prevent danger in the world." Me and Notch stabbed him.
"I'm sorry..." Those were his last words
"We better go see if Endie and John are okay." Notch nodded and we went to the direction they went.
(Endie's PoV)
"Alex! Wake up!"
"E-Endie?" Alex said
"Endie who's this?" John asked
"My long lost sister, Come on Alex... We better go."
"John help me." he nodded and we headed towards the exit of the castle. We bumped into Hero and Notch.
"Come on we know the exit."Notch said
We went out the exit and we gave Alex a regeneration potion. We used our player potion because we had to go across the village again.
"Visit the end sometimes."I said
"Okay I will."John said
"See you soon."
"Wait here's your crystal."
"You can have it, for rememberance and for you."
"Thank you!" He said as he hugged me.
"You're welcome." I said as I hugged him back.
We exited the village and went back to Mob attraction.
"Hero did you mean what you said, That you love me?" I asked
"Of course Endie I love you." He said as he kissed me and I kissed back. We went in Alex's room.
"I better go back to the end, It's been a month. Alex come with me."
"I can't go back in the end. I'm not like the others." Alex said
"You are also my sister. You need to go home."
"Okay... I will come." She said
We went to the end and everyone looked at Alex.
"Sister! I'm home and there' s someone you should meet."
"Who is it?" My sister asked
"Our long lost sister Alex."
Heyo guys and Gals its me Ysa. Sorry if I haven't been updating. I'm enjoying my summer so I sometimes forget to update. I'm sorry.
Also check out AJ's new book. 'The element of music and art'. Me and AJ are doing another collab. Till next time
Goodbye and Peace out