(AN) Hey guys, its ellie. this is my first book. sorry the chapters kinda short but im new to this. also, this is based on a true story.
"Fergalicious, defenicious..." I hear echoing through the stairwell. "Who was that!?" I ask my friend Camille, who was currently attempting to contain her laughter. "Oh Gabby, thats just Peter, he's hilarious." she replied. "Yeah i guess, he seems kind of weird though." I laughed. Suddenly, I hear that same voice again and turn around and see him. Peter. He's tall, with dark brown hair. His light blue polo brings out the astonishing hazel in his eyes. As Im staring at him, he looks at me, smiles, flips his hair, then continues down the hall. He's the cutest boy i've ever seen.
Camile calls. "The bell rang 2 minutes ago, are you okay?" "yeah, yeah im fine." I reply as my face turns red. She grabs my arm and we run to class.
"Goodnight mom!" I yell down the hall. "Goodnight Gabby. Turn off your phone now, its past 9!" My mom hollers from her room. Haha, yeah right. I still need to post on instagram and write a new chapter for my story. Writing makes me happy. I can express my feelings through the words I type. I don't know what I'd do without it. I fall asleep the second i set my phone down.
Where was that coming from? I turn around and see a face that I can't quite make out. I blink my eyes a few times-- Oh! It's just Peter. He looks me in the eyes and exclaims "blebushka!"
I try to respond but i can't speak. he soon fades away and i distanly hear a beeping sound.....
"Blebushka!!" I shout when I'm woken up by my alarm. Blebushka? What does that even mean? It had made sense in the dream...