32: Lost Control

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March 26th

It's the end of the day. Todoroki laid in bed. He hasn't been feeling good lately. He's always tired and his been having difficulty controlling his quirk lately. It's been happening ever since Todoroki was training himself outside with his quirks. He went overboard and he gotten frostbite but it went away within a few days. But he's noticed lately that he's been struggling with his quirks. Sometimes he'll wake up to be freezing cold even though he's sweating. He thought it was a nightmare because he wakes up to cold sweat before but it's constant. And he hasn't had any dreams lately.

It's spring now. The winter no longer with them which made Todoroki sad, he liked the winter. It was nice and cold for him which was lovely. He liked to look at the snowflakes and see the beautiful snow build. It was nice but now it's gone till next year.
Next year when they become Pro Heroes. It will always be scary for Todoroki to think about. He was going to leave all of his friends. He was going to start living with Bakugo and start his work at his father's agency. It was going to be a pain in the ass to deal with him but his was the highest agency in Japan. Midoriya was going to America, along with some of his other classmates. He's not ready for them to leave.

He rolled out of his bed and walked to his door. He has to stop thinking of all this while in his dorm alone. He glanced outside, the trees started to blossom. Todoroki liked to see the beauty in each seasons. He took the elevator and walked out. He reached Bakugo's dorm and knocked gently. A few seconds later the blonde opened the door. Confused, he tilted his head and looked him up and down.

"Didn't expect to see you here, come in." Bakugo moved to the side, Todoroki didn't want to be rude so he walked inside. Bakugo closed the door and looked at the boy.
"Do you need something?" Bakugo asked, his arms crossed. It's not like he didn't want the boy to be here, it was just unexpected. He noticed how the boy didn't sit down like he normally would.

"Yes actually," Todoroki mumbled. He help eye contact before looking away, he started to fidget with his hands. He didn't like asking for stuff from people.
"I was wondering if you could fight me," Bakugo tried to suppress his laugh but failed with a grin and a small chuckle leaving his lips.
"It's not funny." Todoroki pouted, his brows scrunched and his arms down to his side.

"I'm sorry it's just so cute the way you said it." Bakugo chuckled, his hand covering his mouth. He smiled wider when he saw the boy blush from the compliment. Todoroki whispered a, 'shut it'. His head down and as he felt his face burn up. He's not used to being complimented, especially by Bakugo. Whenever Bakugo compliments him, his heart races fast.
"But yes I'll fight you," Bakugo said his voice straightened but the smile on his lips was still visible, he walked to his drawer to get his gym clothes.
"Thought, can I ask why? It's just so random." Bakugo said as he he threw his clothes on his bed. He started to take off his shirt and Todoroki immediately looked away, but he did see a glimpse of his muscle that was very attractive.

"My quirk has been acting weird and I want to fight so I can control it better in combat." Todoroki explained briefly. Bakugo hummed and put his shirt on and changed his pants. Todoroki looked down on the ground with his back towards him. Bakugo turned around and seen the boy turned around, he chuckled.

"Alright let's go." Bakugo said, Todoroki turned around and walked out the door with Bakugo.


Todoroki and Bakugo have been practicing for hours. Todoroki sending giant ice walls towards the blonde who destroyed them in an instant. Todoroki has been getting better at switching his quirks and faster at it. But he's still needs improvement. Todoroki felt himself getting close to his limit, frost covering his right cheek. Bakugo was really good at using his quirk.

Todoroki tried using his quirk to make an ice wall but it came out in sharp shards going towards Bakugo. The blonde noticed at aimed at them, exploding them. He was a few feet up in the air but he managed to catch a glimpse of the boy. Todoroki's ice was surrounding him, the floor frozen but then a shards started to come off him. Bakugo blasted them and he dropped to the ground.

"Alright Halfie you can stop!" Bakugo yelled. It's not like he was surrendering, it's just that Todoroki was sending sharp icicles, dangerous and not part of their fight. Bakugo walked to the boy who seemed to be out of daze. He rushed quickly and touched his forehead. He was freezing cold. The frost on his cheek building, dangerously close to his eye.
"Todoroki I need you to stop." Bakugo's voice was stern and his crimson eyes sharpen. Todoroki panted but he took control of his quirk again. But he couldn't use his fire to warm himself up, leaving the frost on him still there.
"Why didn't you say you were near your limit?" Bakugo whispered softly. Todoroki was trembling, Bakugo picked him up, his arm around his waist.

"Sorry, I didn't think it was this bad." Todoroki mumbled. His voice shaking and breathless. Bakugo sighed and walked inside the dorms. Todoroki pushed him off, he didn't need anyone to see him like this. Bakugo noticed and let him be, but still keeping close to him. They walked to the elevator and to Bakugo's dorm.

"Why couldn't you control your quirk?" Bakugo asked. He knew he couldn't control it, it's wasn't that hard to see. But Todoroki still seemed surprised when he asked. Todoroki sat on the bed, barely being able to sit properly.

"I don't know, it just started happening." Todoroki whispered, his lips quivering. He was cold, so cold, he can't even use his heat to warm himself up. Bakugo noticed and quickly grabbed a sweater of his and threw it at the boy. Todoroki looked at him, confused. Bakugo was getting some blankets and anything else to warm him up. Todoroki frowned at put the sweater on.
"I'm fine, you don't need to get my anything else." Todoroki didn't want the blonde worrying about him, he didn't like being so vulnerable. He didn't want his help.

"Bullshit, you're shaking like a leaf. Let me help you so you can feel better." Bakugo looked at the boy who brought his head down. He sighed softly to himself, he walked over to the boy and covered him with the blankets.
"Are you still cold? I can make some soup." Bakugo offered, ready to rush out the door to go make it.

"No I'm fine. Thank you." Todoroki mumbled. He didn't want to bother the boy anymore. He hated worrying people, it made him feel bad. It made him seem weak. Bakugo didn't believe the boy but still sat down anyways. They sat in silence. Todoroki has to get in control of his quirk. He doesn't know what triggered it to act up but he can't be a pro hero if this keeps up.

"Do you know why it started to act up?" Bakugo asked. Todoroki hesitated, was it because he keeps going overboard with his quirk.

"I think it's because I keep going over my limit." Todoroki mumbled, almost inaudible. He kept his head down, his bangs covering his eyes. Bakugo turned to look at him. Todoroki didn't want to tell him but if he didn't then Bakugo would do anything he could to figure out why his quirks were acting weird.

"Okay, just take a break for a day or two then take it slow. Don't overwork yourself." Bakugo wrapped his arm around his shoulder, giving him a side hug. Todoroki nodded, he started to feel himself heat up when Bakugo hugged him.

Words 1366

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