finding your voice

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Third person pov

Nori was sitting down with Emily on her lap still in a sense of wonder about the place she is in while Emily was trying to figure out how to explain this to nori "so nori you like the new body" nori just looked at her and shrugged "heh you don't even have a mouth I don't know how to communicate with you" glitchtrap who stayed silent while the two talked finally spoke 'well you can give her a voice' "what" nori looked at me confused "oh not you nori I got a voice in my head" nori nodded accepting it.

Glitchtrap ran Emily through in what she had to do 'alright you just need to find a voice box' Emily looked at around "where can I find a voice box" 'the same way you found the core look through the body's' Emily nodded "nori can I stand up" nori nodded letting Emily go. Emily hopped up on her two legs and walked towards the pile of body's nori walking behind her.

I took hours of rummaging and alot of questions to glitchtrap but she finally found one "ok got it what do I do" 'well first you need to open nori chest up' Emily eyes went wide "I need to what" 'open nori chest up' Emily looked up at nori who only tilted her head to the side "nori I don't know any good way to say this but I need to open your chest" nori looked a Emily 'woah now saying that out loud that kinda is bad' Emily ignored glitchtrap for the moment and just focused on nori.

A couple minutes passed of nori looked at Emily a awkward silence passing through. Eventually nori just nodded and got down on her knees to be Emily height "okay how do I do this" 'well there should be a port in the back of nori neck just slot your tail in there' Emily sighed and looked at nori "I'm sorry if this is gonna be awkward" Emily hopped on nori knees and jammed her tail into the back of nori neck. Nori eyes changed from a purple to yellow "nori can you still hear me" nori nodded 'now nori in set up mode just think of her chest opening' Emily nodded and done so.

Emily watched as nori chest opened up and what she could see inside was beautiful. There was purple wires going through out nori body all connecting to the purple core in the centre 'alright now the key piece in this is nori gotta remain calm if anything changes in her mood the body will feel under attack" Emily nodded "so nori did you have any faimily before you uh" nori nodded 'ok now all you got to do is hold the box in place and nori body will do the rest' Emily nodded and held the box infront of nori core.

The wires inside the body were circling around the box like it was examining it "how big was your faimily" nori held up two fingers "two kids" nori shook her head "one" nori nodded "and one husband" nori nodded again looking happy "was he a good husband" nori looked away "okay the kid is it a girl or a boy" nori held up one finger "a girl what is her name do you remember" nori shook her head 'make sense when you brought her back I doubt all her memories made it I doubt she would even know what they look like' Emily nodded.

Emily talked with nori keeping to yes or no questions when suddenly Emily felt something touch her hand she looked at the box to see the wires connected inside and one seemingly touching her hand 'I think they want you to let go' Emily nodded and let go of the box the wires took the box up the body disappearing with the box 'well our job is done just close the chest and take your tail out Emily did so in that order nori eyes returned to purple "okay how do we know this worked" 'well it won't work stright away try talking to her every hour' Emily nodded "okay nori try speaking" nori nodded when she spoke only a mysterious hollowing came out 'well those thing work fast give it a second the box was probably damage they will repair it'.

A hour passed and Emily tried again "okay hi" nori looked at Emily and tried speaking again "hello" silence came through the room before Emily jumped up and hugged nori "hey it worked I mean the voice is a little distorted but it worked" nori smiled and stood up Emily letting go before nori reached her full height 'great work kid now if you ever feel like you want to add something to nori just put your tail in and do the whole process over again' Emily nodded 'now those little rats are probably trying to make sense in the voice box so let keep nori with one word responses to ease it in' Emily nodded looking at nori "okay let keep to one word responses okay" nori nodded. Emily walked over to the pile of body's "well nori I'm gonna see what I can find can you help" nori looked at Emily and smiled "okay".

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