Chapter 5

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The past few days after the little incident was pretty calm. But today was the day that Maya had to go back to the hospital for a check-up to see if she could return to work. Even though she wasn't supposed to do any physical activities of course Maya being Maya when running.

They arrived at the hospital and Maya was pretty nervous. Of course, Carina was her doctor so that was a little relief for her. She knew pretty much all of the doctors there since she had been a lot in the hospital because of her job. When she saw Amelia she was very confused, since Amelia was a neurosurgeon.

"Hey Maya, how are you feeling today," she said

" I feel fine, " I paused for a second. "I'm sorry what are you doing here, aren't you a neurosurgeon?" I asked

" I'm here to talk about the scars on your shoulder"

"What, d-did you tell her?" I asked Carina.

" N-no, I promised I wouldn't tell anyone"

"Maya I saw them when you first arrived in the aid car"

I never believed that this day would come. I mean no one except Carina knew. And now Amelia knows.

"Look I can help you, you can go see help, or you could just talk to me. I've been where you are right now. I was an addict, I non-stop took drugs and sh, till I couldn't take it anymore. And as much as I enjoyed it, I knew I had to stop" Amelia said.

"I can't stop, I don't know how this has been the only thing helping me stay alive. I like it. I deserve it since I was a teen I've been doing it, and I don't think I am able to stop doing it." I was in tears.

"look Maya I totally understand, I've been there, I've done that. And no human being deserves that. No matter what they do, even if they are evil, they still don't deserve to be hurt. And you certainly aren't evil, so I'll help you, even if you refuse for me to help, I will still try and try to help you. as much as I can."

I didn't want to accept the fact that I needed to stop. I know it was bad for me but I enjoyed it. I started sobbing, a lot. And Amelia hugged me tightly. I never knew a human being other than Carina was able to understand at least a little about what I'm doing to myself, let alone go through what I'm going through.


I'm so happy that Maya finally has someone that understands her. As I was staying in the corner I felt my inner thigh hurt, but not a good kind of pain. shit. I have forgotten about the fresh sh on my thigh. I twitch in pain.
"You okay?" I hear Amelia say.
"Yes I'm fine, it's not a big deal"
"If you say so." She turned to Maya.
That was so close I didn't want anyone finding out all I need to focus on now is Maya nothing else or no one else. I feel the pain again but this time it hurts more.
"ouch" I say softly. I didn't mean to say that it came out accidentally.
Amelia turned my way this time seriously worried "are you sure you're okay"
"I'm fine, jesus" I say. I didn't mean to be rude.
"Carina seriously" said Amelia as she came closer to me. She touched my shoulder and I just push her away and storm out of the room. Not thinking about anything.

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