Chapter 19: List of Sources Used in the Book

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The following is a list of sources that were used in the research and writing of this book:

"The History of Space Exploration" by NASA

"Space Exploration and Human Evolution" by Steven J. Dick

"The Economic Benefits of Space Exploration" by the Planetary Society

"The Psychological Effects of Long-Duration Spaceflight" by NASA

"The Environmental Impact of Space Missions" by the European Space Agency

"The Political and Ethical Considerations of Space Exploration" by the International Academy of Astronautics

"The Rise of Private Sector Involvement in Space Exploration" by Space News

"The Future of Space Exploration: Mars and Beyond" by National Geographic

"The Advancements in Propulsion Technology and Life Support Systems" by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

"International Collaboration in Space Exploration" by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs.

This list is not exhaustive and additional sources may have been consulted in the writing of this book. The sources listed above provide a comprehensive overview of the topics covered and provide a solid foundation for further research and study. 

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