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"Hello, my name is Garner. Garner Foy." He said this with a bright smile on his face. He gestured for a handshake. I grasped his hand firmly and introduced myself, feeling a warmth in our exchange as he began to tell me about himself.

"So, I'm the secretary for this company; I like to overwork, and I like weekends because I sleep all day, and I like weekends because his music hits the spot," he chuckled.

"i love the weekends too" i smiled, well atleast something in common that we can talk about.

"Well, anyway, may I have your resume?"

"Umm... well, I don't have one," I stated nervously. His expression changed from friendly to judgmental.

"Wow, that's nice; it took me a long time to get in here."

"Anyway, have you ever worked in a corporate setting before?" he inquired, his left brow furrowed.

"I used to work in a cafe as a waitress."

For a moment, everything went silent-a silence so loud that it embarrassed the fuck out of me. He is standing there staring at me in disbelief, his mouth wide open.

"Don't worry, bestie, I've got you," he said finally, breaking the silence. I smiled at him.

"But, yeah, we've got a lot of work to do on you."


"So you have to note down important points whenever we have any meetings. and I deal with legal matters, so I give you whatever file works; you summarise it and write a report. got it?" I nodded my head.

"And yes, be very efficient and always be aware; your focus should be on work. I remember the first time I came here. I was very nervous; I thought they might not hire me because I'm openly gay."

"What?!" "Why would you think that?" I asked.

"Well, I have a hard time finding a job, as I'm not a straight man, and people often tend to be very uncomfortable around me, especially in corporate."

"world is cruel," I sighed.

"On my first day, I tried to look less feminine and more masculine, but I soon realised that I couldnt hide who I was."

"neither mr. veneto cared to bother.

"People might call him a gangster or one of the bad people, but he's actually a good person," I said, looking away when our eyes met. He is a bad person for making me go through this hell.

He placed the paper on the ground. and sat next to me.

"So how do you end up here? He arched his back in an attempt to look at my face.

"Well, long story short, my uncle lost almost every gamble, and I was in debt. My aunt then told me that she has a connection with the Veneto family and that his grandfather has been looking for me to fulfil his son's wish. because Mr. Ricardo's father and my father used to be best friends and wanted to become a family. "So that's why they want me to marry him... and all that." i sighed.

Garner looked at me in disbelief this time. He looked away and gave an awkward smile.

"Wow, that was unexpected. But you know what is more unexpected? ""He has a girlfriend."

"Well yeah, I got to know on the day of my wedding night."

"That's fucked up."

"He thinks I'm useless, so to stay at his house I've got to work to pay rent, I guess," I said, biting my lip.

"Well, we should start working now; that would be good for both of us." I nodded.


A/N pov,

Ricardo's foot marched forward in the meeting hall. There were 10 guards armed with heavy guns in their hands.

"It's been a while, Mr. Frank," he said. His eyes darkened. Mr. Frank was about to stand up, but Ricardo waved his hands.

"No need. Just sit down and relax". Ricardo came closer to him and sat right across from him. looking at him, so deep, and those gazes were piercing at his soul.

"Are you aware that you are in danger?" He clearly wasn't someone to be treated lightly based on the intensity of his gaze, and his words only served to confirm that.

"I'm not here for what you think,"

ricardo lifted his one eyebrow in suspicion.

"I'm aware of it; no one would dare," he said, stopping and looking right into his eyes.

"If you are smart enough,"

Mr. Frank relaxed his nerves and took a sip of water. "You see, Ricardo, I'm tired of playing these games of cops and thugs." He stood up from his seat and stood next to a fish tank, placing his hands on his knees.

"What do you think, Ricardo?" "Does this fish want to be set free in the ocean?"

ricardo smirked. "Everyone wants freedom, but do they know how hard life is?" "Everyone is an enemy; you can't trust anyone."

"They will be dead the moment I throw them in the ocean. "At least the bigger fish will get food, isn't it?"

"Mr. Frank, I suggest you be straight forward with me; I'm a busy man after all, and I don't like to waste my time," he said, clenching his jaw in anger.

"I'm not here to threaten you or whatever you think; I'm here to shake hands with you."

"I didn't know I'd be here this day to find a corrupt cop."

Frank raised his head. He took out an envelope from inside his coat. The guards clenched their guns and became more careful. The man noticed the guards' reaction and raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. "Don't worry, it's just a letter for the boss," he said, handing over the envelope.

"As you believe, sir," he said, placing the envelope in front of him.

"I hope you will arrange our next meeting as soon as possible."

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Happy reading.

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