Chapter 11: Deaths gift

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Harry stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom. Athena was sleeping on his bed, exhausted from the stress of the day. Harry was planning to take a shower to get the alley floor off of himself; but when he took off his shirt, he saw his back in the mirror.

The place that Hades had previously touched his back was no longer just scarred skin, instead there was colors spread out in a beautiful print.

On his lower back, tattooed on his skin, was a assortment of spider lillies and hycinth. The flowers ranged from red of all shades to a dark green, and of course, black. Sitting on one flower was a pretty lilac colored butterfly. And to top the design off, in a charcoal shade, written in parceltongue at the bottom of the flowers, was the word Shinagami.

"I'm gonna have to remind myself to kiss Hades next time I see him." Harry mumbled to himself. "Ooh~ gladly." rang a deep voice inside his head. Harry blanked; Hades could talk to him telepathically. 'lovely' he thought to himself.

He stripped the rest of his clothes off and hopped in the shower, not caring about the temperature. He wanted to smell like cinnamon, so that's what he did. He dried off, threw on some sweatpants, and laid under the silk sheets on his bed, cuddling Athena close.

Two days later, as he was staring at the ceiling in the morning contemplating whether Lucious or Snape was more tsundere, he felt the bed next to him dip down under somethings weight. Harry looked over and saw nothing there. "Do you want another cookie or something?" Harry asked questioningly. Harry took the cold feeling tracing the word yes on his skin as a yes.

"Alright." He said. Harry jumped out of bed and went down to the kitchen, got a cookie,, brought it back up to the room, and set it on the desk in the corner of the room. He was planning on going to see the malfoys today, so he took a shower and got ready.

He wore a lilac oversized t-shirt with grey bandages going down his arms reaching his wrists, he had on his platform shoes and  white pants. Of course, he also had dangling earing's that were red upsidedown crosses hanging from chains.

With Athena wrapped around his wrist, Harry apperated to the Malfoy manor. Walking up to the gate he stated his purpose and the old house elf lead him through a large hallway with many doors. When they finnaly stopped at one, he opened the door and saw the lord and lady Malfoys, along with their tiny son, all sitting in a office looking room.

"My lord, Lady, and young lord, you have a visitor." the old elf stated before walking away. The three looked up and Draco grinned when he saw who it was.

"Harry! Welcome to my humble abode." Draco said slighly jokingly. "It's lovely Draco. I especially like the dark theme, makes it more comfortable." What harry said came off as sarcastic, but it was actually his honest opinion.

He greeted the two adults in the room and Draco led him to the garden first, they talked for hours once again. Eventually, the two boys headed back to the office the albino parents were in.

"Mrs. Black, Mr. Malfoy. If you wouldn't mind, I actually have something important I would like to talk to you about." Harry said, a air of importance settled around him.

This caught their attention. "Of course, what is it you would like to talk about, dear?" Narcissa asked.

"Its actually about my godfather, your cousin; Sirius. I'd like to start off with, He's innocent, it wasn't him, it was Peter Pettigrew. He also isn't on Dumbledore's side, neither were my parents, nor is Remus Lupin. By the time they were about to betray Dumbly door, It was too late. My parents were killed, Sirius was thrown into Azkaban without trial, and Remus couldn't say anything as he is a 'dark' creature, so no one would believe him and they would assume he was bad as well." Harry said completely serious.

The whole room went silent. The Malfoys all paled. "what...?" Narcissa said in shock and confusion. Lucious snapped out of it "how do you know any of that? how do we know you aren't lying? That group was practically known for being on the light side. Also, what do you mean it was Peter Petigrew instead of Sirius Black?" The man asked with narrowed eyes.

"Well, you see, I know a lot of things that no one else does. Peter Pettigrew was changed into the secret keeper position, meaning Sirius was no longer in that position when my parents were killed. Dumbledore aparatted Sirius onto the crime scene after Pettigrew had fled the scene, causing Sirius to get arrested and thrown in prison without trial. As for them not being on the light side...Well, Dumbledore really likes to put compulsions on people, he put them on a lot of students in his time. The group being a few of said students. Lilly, Sirius, James, Remus, and Pettigrew started to suspect what he was doing. Pettigrew turned to Voldemort's side behind their backs, thinking that they wouldn't agree with him if they knew." Harry said.

"What Pettigrew didn't know, however, was that they were already practically on the dark side, but no one knew. And they were starting to find him suspicious. At this point, they had the compulsions taken off, but they had to pretend as if they were still up. They planned to expose Dumbledore and join Voldemort's side. Dumbledore manipulated the wizarding world into believing that the group was of the light side, but he was catching onto their plan, so he compulsed Pettigrew to finish the job. Getting my parents killed, framing my godfather, and leaving Remus alone on every full moon since. Pettigrew cut off his finger, leaving it at the crime scene, and then turned himself into a rat, causing everyone to believe that he was dead and Sirius had killed him. Sirius never got a trial, so he was never proved innocent, and has spent the last ten years in Azkaban for something he didn't do." He continued.

Everyone in the room was silent. He has completely broken everything they had thought about what happened.

Harry stood up "I'll leave you to process that. I will get Pettigrew soon, as I know where he is, then get Sirius a trial proving he is innocent, and finally, get placed in the care of my rightful guardians which is long overdue."

He moved toward the door planning to leave them in their thoughts. "Harry..I'll help." Draco said, looking up. "No need Lotus, I got this one, but I appreciate it. I'll stop by sometime soon to talk again, yeah?" Harry said with a warm smile. Draco nodded "see you soon Hyacinth."

And with that, Harry headed back home, determined to get his godfather away from his suffering.

A/N: I'm not gonna lie, that was hard to write. I had to write that whole explanation from my memory alone.

Fun fact: hydrogen peroxide works wonders for getting blood out of clothing.

Q/N: what's your favorite holiday? Mine is Halloween.

Your dear sarcastic simp

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