Once on the flight both Anahi Diaz and Beom Soek slept through, out the flight to Guerrero mexico. once in Guerrero mexico, they went to Anahi's family mansion.they walk in and see Anahi's abuela and prima Amy and primo Cameron and then Anahi Diaz responded with "hola prima and primo como estas un este es mi prometido beom seok y él y yo nos casaremos pronto" the responded with "your Espanol is better than when you were younger," Anahi Diaz responded with "your Inglesa is better than when y'all were younger." Then Anahi Diaz and Amy and Cameron's abuela comes out and tells Anahi Diaz, "aww mi nieta vuelve a casa por qué te fuiste en primer lugar?" Anahi Diaz quickly responded with "aquí no había trabajos de enseñanza y yo estaba con mi prometido." As *she points to Beom Soek* Anahi's abula responded with "este es tu prometido por qué es tan flaco pero es un placer conocerte mi nieta, no podría elegir a nadie mejor que tú." * Beom Soek looks at Anahi Diaz confused* Anahi Diaz tells Beom Soek "that means she likes you my beloved." Beom Soek responded with "oh please tell her it's a pleasure to meet her as well" Anahi Diaz told her abula "es mucho gusto usted." Then Anahi Diaz abula Rose Diaz tells everyone "bien, todos comamos porque todos deben estar hambrientos," then they went inside the home, and they saw a feast of home made foods made by every member of Anahi's familia. They ate there and later they were shown where they are gonna rest for the week Beom Soek asked Anahi Diaz "be honest with me why did you leave here it's perfect here?" Anahi Diaz responded with "Mexico is my home from home yes but America is why my home and where you live mi amor." Then Beom Soek responded with "that makes sense and sweet of ya mi amor." Then Anahi Diaz tells Beom Soek "let's get some rest for tomorrow." So Anahi Diaz and Beom Soek got in to bed and got the 8 hours, then they went into the kitchen for breakfast. Later Beom Soek and Anahi Diaz went for a walk around Guerrero Mexico, Later then they saw a food stand. So they got food and drinks around Guerrero Mexico. later that day they returned home, Anahi's abula Rose asked Anahi Diaz "¿Dónde han estado ustedes dos durante tres horas sin agua?" Then Anahi Diaz responded with "mi prometido queria ver todo guerrero mexico y perdimos la nocion del tiempo." Then Anahi Diaz abula Rose responded with "es una suerte que llegaras a casa segundos antes de que cayera el sol o algo malo podría pasarles a los dos." Anahi Diaz responded with "de acuerdo también lo siento abuela también beom y tengo un regalo para ti también feliz cumpleaños." Then Anahi Diaz's Abula Rose responded with "aww por eso eres, mi nieto favorito porque eres la única persona que recuerda que hoy es mi cumpleaños." Beom Soek gives her the gift then tells her "feliz cumpleaños" Anahi's abula Rose opens the gift and tells them "este collar de esmeraldas es el mismo que me dio tu abuelo antes de morir."

My 4ever Love Will Always Be You
Romance©️what would happen if Anahi Diaz went back to Fremont California after 7 years of college becoming an elementary school teacher and at the school she reunites with her first love since middle school Beom Seok teaching in the same school as she is w...