Kelly woke up in the middle of the night because of quiet sobs from the bed. Mia was crying. The day was extremely difficult for the six-year old girl, so much, that she fell asleep in the squad truck during the road to the hospital following the ambulance with Brett.
"Severide, you'd better go home with Mia", Cruz said. "I don't think you're going to be much help to Sylvie".
"Shut up!" Kelly yelled. "If we had gone to the unit together, nothing would have happened".
"Don't blame yourself, it's not on you that this guy kidnapped our girls", Joe noticed.
"But I could protect them! I knew that Mia was in danger, I knew that! And I did nothing!"
He looked at the little girl sleeping in his arms, snuggling up to his smoke-smelling uniform. Recently, the whole unit tried to calm her down, because she was trying to run after the ambulance. But nothing helped: nor Hailey's hugs, nor Stella's gentle words, nor Boden's promises that Sylvie would definitely be rescued. Only when Severide took her to the truck, she сuddled up to him and closed her red puffy wet eyes.
"Probably, you are right, it's better to go home with her. Tony, could you drive through my place?" he asked in a while. He understood that Sylvie needed him, but not as much as Mia. The girl couldn't be alone. Now he was her only support and hope in the whole world. Only he could calm her down and tell that Brett would be okay.
Reports from the hospital were coming in regularly. Chief Boden put the team back on shift. He said that Brett "would not have admired us not doing our job". Only Otis and Cruz, whom Sylvie used to share a flat with, were waiting at the hospital. But they didn't write anything new. "They're operating", "we don't know how she is yet" — and that was all the information.
Kelly checked the phone one more time. Cruz and Otis had returned to the unit, and Stella had arrived at the hospital instead of them. "No one has come out yet", she messaged. Severide took his phone and came to Mia.
"Hey, sweetie, why are you crying?" he asked, rubbing the girl's back.
"I want to see Sylvie", Mia said, sobbing.
"It's impossible, honey. She is in the hospital now, and doctors are treating her. But tomorrow we will see her, okay?"
"She will not die, Kelly?" the girl asked. "Please, don't lie to me, I'm not a little stupid fool".
Severide was surprised that Mia knew such words. But after a small pause, he answered:
"I don't know, sweetheart. But doctors will do all their best to save her. And you should sleep very well. If Sylvie sees you sad and sleep-deprived, she will not appreciate it".
"You are also not sleeping, Kelly", Mia noticed. "And I don't want to sleep! I will be waiting for the news from the hospital with you".
"Maybe, I'd better wake you up, when I know something?" Kelly suggested. Mia yawned.
"Okay. But... Could you stay with me? I'm afraid that this man will come".
"He will not come, honey. He's in the hospital in a very bad condition. And besides, police are watching over him", Kelly informed. Mia cuddled up to him and took his big hand.
"I will protect you, my dear", he promised in a whisper. "And look, your bear will also protect you", he chuckled, pointing at Solomia's favorite toy. The girl smiled and closed her eyes.
The morning was even worse than Severide could have expected. Sylvie was in an intensive care ward, but the doctors gave no prediction about when she would recover. It made Severide frown. Besides, Mia, sleeping all night beside him, barely woke up. She was woozy, uncommunicative, cranky and didn't want anything. Kelly tried to make her eat something, but she refused.
"I want an omelet like Sylvie cooks and chocolate", the girl said. Severide sighed and started making an omelet. The dish didn't turn out so well, it was a little bit burned. Solomia picked at it with a fork, tried a little and said that she was full.
"But you ate nothing", Kelly was surprised.
"I don't want more", Mia yawned. "I want Sylvie here".
"But you understand that Sylvie is in the hospital, she is sleeping after an operation now?"
"I want to visit her, she is my mom", Solomia explained.
"So, let's go get dressed, and we will drive to the hospital".
But instead of this, Mia started crying. Kelly was scared, the girl's behavior was unusual for her. Of course, she was in deep stress, but anyway, something was wrong. Severide came to her, sat down beside her, looked in her glassy eyes and touched her forehead. Mia had a fever.
"Oh my God, it seems to me that we will not go anywhere. How do you feel?" he asked in a trembling voice.
"My head hurts", she said, crying. "And stomach".
"Okay, dear, I will try to help you", he hugged Mia, touching her sweaty forehead, and called Emily. The paramedic picked up the call immediately.
"Severide? What happened?" she was anxious.
"Foster, help, Mia is having a fever. She was barely sleeping at night. And now, she has a headache and stomachache. Probably, she got a cold yesterday. What should I do?"
"Stop, Kelly, don't panic", Emily advised resolutely. "I'm going to your place right now. I will bring some medicine. Please, try to give her some warm tea and put her to bed, okay?"
"Sure. Thank you, Emily".
Mia drank tea with pleasure, but completely refused to stay in bed without Kelly. That's why he took her in his arms, feeling the little children's arms around his neck and the head resting on his shoulder. That was how they met Foster.
"Hi, sweetie", she said, smiling at Mia. "How are you?"
"I want Sylvie, where is she?" the girl asked instead of the answer.
"She is in the hospital. And if you want to see her, you have to lay down and drink some mixture, okay?"
Mia nodded. Severide laid her down on the bed, covering her with a blanket, and the paramedic crouched beside her. After measuring the girl's temperature, Foster gave her some medicine. Mia fell asleep soon, hugging her favorite bear. Kelly's phone started ringing. The number was unknown.
"Hello, I am Alana from the Child Protective Services", the woman's voice represented herself. "I can't reach Sylvie Brett, but she left your number to call. It's about Solomia Dmytruk".
"Yes, I'm Kelly Severide, Sylvie's colleague", he said. "Sylvie can't talk to you right now, but I will transfer all the info to her. What happened?"
"Uhh... The fact is that she has not submitted additional documents for Solomia's guardianship. So I can't keep her case any longer and delay the process of finding guardians. There is a wonderful family from Arizona who wants to adopt Solomia. And I really have no reason to refuse them. They have a big house, their own business, and four other foster kids. And Sylvie's candidature is losing. Her flat is small, she is a paramedic with a low salary, and besides, she is single".
Kelly was dumbfounded. Mia, whom he had already come to think of as his child, could be taken away just because Sylvie was single? He knew he couldn't tell Brett about it. He remembered how hard it had been for her to break up with Casey, how she'd changed after that. And only Mia's appearance in her life returned the old Sylvie Brett. He remembered how frustrated she'd been, when Jay and Hailey had taken Mia to the police with them. But now the girl would be taken away forever to faraway Arizona. Kelly realized it would just kill Sylvie.