Chapter 25 -- I Am In Winter Final's Now!?

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"Tomorrow is finals!" I grinned, looking over all the subjects, taking last minute notes, and rereading the literature.

I had a clever plan; and it all depended on my test scores. I will make a wager with Keiko and pass my tests and increase my allowance!

The plan was almost too easy!

I walked over to Keiko's bedroom, knocking gently.

"Come in, Nanami." my sister answered as I slid open the door with a sly smirk on my face.

"I wanted to thank you for all the bento's that you have made for me." I said as she smiled, but wondering where this was truly going "But I will soon not need any for a while! Kikiki!"

"Oooo...I now get it." she answered "So it is already exam week, hmm?" "Okay," she smiled "let's make a deal: if you get a B+, I will raise your allowance—"

"Yay!" I cheered "I love you Onee-chan!" as I didn't even need to make a deal with her.

"But!" she warned "If you get a B- or anything lower, no allowance and you will have to take another dosage of the drug and do a service to the community. So, do we have a deal!?" she asked me.

"You have a deal!" as there was no way that I could lose this bet!


Kaori and I walked to school as she were busily looking over her flashcards, cramming.

"I really do hate test day!" she worried. "How long did you study for, Nanami-chan?"

"Uhm, about 30 minutes." I replied.

"30 minutes!?" she snapped at me.

"Yep!" I nodded.

"Of course, you could afford to slack off!" as she sighed "You're so smart!"

"Well, uhm...kikikiki...I could tutor you again if you like!?"

"Tutor me!" she wrapped her arms around my chest and fondled my breasts, squeezing me as I squealed and struggled to get away from her.

"Kikiki..." as my body still tingled and trembled.

'Not again! What is up with the fascination that girls have with touching other girls' breasts!? My own breasts!?'

Behind us, Ashly and Mira walked together as Mira was all flustered with her daydreaming. And Ashly, she looked like her dog just died!

I glanced behind as I worried about her "A—Ashly-chan!? What is wrong, dear!?"

"Do not worry Nanami-chan." Mira softly said "It is testing day, and tests are her natural enemy."

I tried to comfort Ashly as I took her hand with my left hand, and right hand, lifting her chin "There, there, aww you poor thing! I know just how you feel. Tests can be overwhelming! You just need confidence in yourself. Go into the test saying: I already got this!"

"Ooooo....Nanamin....chan!" Ashly whined as she grabbed my head and smothered me into her chest again, holding me as a child holding a stuffed bear. "Let's both take the supplementary lessons together!"

"Humph...?!" as I wondered why she expected me to fail.

"A—Ashly-chan, I can't breathe!" as she was squeezing me tightly against her. For a 13-year-old girl, she was incredibly strong!

"Uhm, Kaori-chan?" Mira asked her friend, watching Ashly pressing me into her chest as a few people walked on by, passing a glance at us "Aren't you not going to separate them?!" as she was blushing really hard, wishing that she was in either Ashly's or my role.

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