Replacement Daughter

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Three weeks ago, Michael's twin sister Samantha was killed by a drunk driver. Michael was devastated but was not taking it as hard as his mother was. His mother was inconsolable. When She wasn't in her own room crying, she was in Samantha's room, going through her clothes. It wasn't until Michael found his mother staring at him on several occasions that he really became worried. He had no idea what his mother was capable of until he woke up this morning. His head was throbbing and his whole body ached. As he sat up in the bed he realized what was wrong. He was wearing a bra and panties, but not only that, they fit and covered up a perfect set of breasts and an empty crotch. Michael became nauseous and stood up. His center of gravity was different. His hips were wider and his hair was long and blonde.

He walked over to the mirror and almost threw up. Staring back at him was the reflection of his late twin sister. Michael fell over against the wall and ran his hands up his now smooth shapely legs. Having heard the noise, Michael's mother came into his room. "Oh, Samantha dear you are awake. "She said sweetly, "Don't worry, everything will be okay. The doctors did such a good job don't you think?" Michael was speechless. Somehow, his mother had found a way surgically alter his body into that of his sisters. He was a woman now, a replacement daughter.

 He was a woman now, a replacement daughter

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