Chapter 48

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Previously on Chapter 47

Exhaustion from the crying soon get to me. I close my eyes, not even bothering to wipe the tears from my eyes. I just let myself drift off to sleep, feeling both mentally and physically exhausted.

-A Request-


I'm sitting with the rest of Slytherin. But as always, they kept their distance from me. I just sit in silence, waiting for Professor Dumbledore to finish his announcement. It seems like we have a new Professor. I stare at the teacher as she keeps on giggling. We soon learn that her name is Umbridge, and she will handle the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

But from what I observe from her personality, she would not let us learn any actual defense. I don't know what's on Professor Dumbledore's mind... recruiting someone like her. This will be a tough year.


We are now inside the classroom. I sit next to Harry since no one else wants to sit next to me. I place my chin on the palm of my hand. Professor Umbridge is distributing the book for us. One of the book lands in front of me. I just open it and starts to briefly go through it.

"This is all just theories. What about a practice?" Harry asked. I turn my head to look at him, before turning to the Professor. She just let out a giggle as she walks over to us.

"I don't think you'd need a practice. Who would want to attack a children like yourselves?" She said. I let out a sigh at what she said, but didn't say anything. I don't want to be in trouble on the first day. But Harry on the other hand, took offensive of her comment.

"I don't know... maybe Voldemort??" He said. I turn to look at him. I can see the irritation reflecting in his eyes. I slip my hand in his which is under the table. His hand is tensed, so I caress the back of his hand to try and calm him down.

"You mean to say... that the Dark Lord have become big once again?" Professor Umbridge said. The gentleness in her voice vanish as her eyes turns annoyed, and her face turn stern.

"Yeah! I fought him!" Harry said. I start to feel worry. If he keeps going against Professor Umbridge, he would be in detention. Who knows what this wicked Professor will do to him.

"Lie!! From now on... those who wished to speak needs to have permission to do so. And you Mr. Potter. I believe you deserve a detention. Meet me after class..." she said. She turns around and walks towards the front of the class.

I turn my head to see Harry looking annoyed. "Harry... that's enough" I said, softly. He turns to look at me and sigh softly, nodding his head. I smile softly and give his hand a gentle squeeze.

I finally let his hand go after I made sure he won't do anything that will make the Professor get angrier. I place my hand on the table and start to write some notes as Professor Umbridge begins the lesson.


Harry's on his way to meet Professor Umbridge at her office. While I make my way to Professor Dumbledore. Maybe he can help me with my situation. I can't handle the way everyone is treating me anymore. It's getting too much for me to take in.

Professor McGonagall is sitting on the desk, right at the statue that blocks the entrance to Professor Dumbledore's office. She notices me and turns her attention towards me. I walk closer towards her.

"Ah, Ms. Malfoy. What can I help you with?" She asked. My eyes saddened at what she said. She realizes what she just said. "Ah... I'm sorry. I mean Ms. Weasley" she said. I just give her a weak smile.

"I'd like to speak to Professor Dumbledore please. I have a request..." I said. She nods her head and check in with Professor to see if he can meet me. I just wait in silence for her to tell me if I can meet him or not.

"Okay, Ms. Weasley... he said you can go and meet him now" she said. I thank her and walks towards the stairs as it opens. I step in and wait for it to lift me up.

"Professor Dumbledore?" I called out. The said Professor is sitting by his desk. He turn his attention towards me. A gentle smile forms on his lips as he gestures me to come closer. I do as instructed, until I'm standing in front of him.

"What can I help you with?" He asked, in a gentle voice. Talking to Professor Dumbledore has always been easy. His voice is soothing and comforting. I smile weakly at him.

"I'm just wondering if it's possible for me to move house. I want to be in Gryffindor with my friends..." I said. He stares at me with a glint of confusion. I look down and start to tell him what happened. He just stays silent as he listen to me.

"Oh dear... I'm sorry that it happened to you. For sure, I will arrange everything. I'll announce your shift tonight. After that... you will be with the Gryffindor..." he said. I smile at him and nod my head.

"Thank you, Professor..." I said. He smiles softly and nod his head. "I'll be taking my leave now. Goodnight, sir. I'm sorry for bothering you" I said. He dismiss me, saying it's alright. I turn around and leave his office.


I'm back in my room, packing my stuff. I feel a nudge on the back of my leg. I turn my head to see it's P/N. I take a seat on the bed. She lift her front paws, placing them on my lap.

I smile softly and gently pet her head, gently caressing her fur. She licks my hand, and stare at me with a worry gaze. Are you sure this is the best idea, Y/N? She asked. I nod my head at what she said.

"Of course... I can't stay here in this house anymore. All of them have been treating me poorly" I said. I hear her humming in my head. She jumps to the bed and curl up next to me, resting her head on my lap.

Are you not worried for Draco? Even though your cruel father have disowned you. Draco is still your brother. Twins are bounded together since birth... she said. I just look down at what she said.

"I have no choice, P/N. He's also been acting differently towards me. We haven't even spoken to each other..." I said. P/N licks my hand. She sits up on the bed, gently nudging her head with my cheek.

Okay... I understand. I just want you to be happy... she said. I just smile at her as tears starts to stream down my cheeks. I wrap my arms around her as I start to cry softly. It hurts to leave Slytherin, as it's been my house since the beginning. But with the way everyone is acting towards me... I knew I have to this.

What did I do to deserve this? All I did was follow my heart and fall in love, like how people normally would. So why am I being punished for it? This isn't fair...

*to be continued*

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