Chapter 16

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Katherine picked at the food remaining on her plate, then sighed and sat it down. She looked out past the café where she was sitting with her daughter and watched the people walking by for a few moments. There was so much on her mind that it was taking away the peace that people watching normally gave her.

"What are you thinking about, Momma?" Gabby asked as she popped a grape into her mouth. "Something is bothering you, what is it?"

"Why must you be so smart?" Kat smiled gently as she turned to face her daughter.

"It's just a burden I bear," Gabby shrugged nonchalantly as she took a bite from her fry. "I blame you for making me so smart."

Kat laughed softly then sighed, "I ran into your father and a few of his husbands while I was grocery shopping yesterday."

"And?" Gabby asked confused, "What about it?"

"They were wanting to know how you felt about having a joint party instead of two this weekend."

"What about you?" she asked.

"What about me?" Kat asked confused.

"Oh come on Mom," Gabby rolled her eyes. "We both know you still hate him for leaving you and you refuse to accept the fact that maybe, just maybe, it was an accident that he lost your number. It's easier for you to continue to hate him. You continue to throw the past at him even though he and his family moved all the way to France to be with us. He continues to try to show you that he's trying to fix the past, but you won't let him, if that doesn't scream hatred, I don't know what does."

"You sound like a teenager than ten, you know that?" Kat asked after a few moments of silence.

Gabby shrugged, "Once again, I blame you for my intelligence."

"Well, what do you want to do?" Kat asked softly. "It's your decision. If you want a joint party then I will try my best to put my feelings to the side. I only want the best for you, Angel."

"And what if I want you to give him a chance? To try and be a full family, would you?"

Kat gasped then sighed softly. "He's married, Gabby. It wouldn't be possible, and it wouldn't be right. Besides," she shook her head, "like you pointed out, I still harbor a lot of ill feelings for him. I need to work on myself before I even consider a relationship with anyone."

"You didn't answer my question," Gabby glared at her.

Kat smiled, "Yes I did, I told you it wouldn't be possible since he is already married."

"If it wasn't possible then why does he keep making all those comments?"

"Because he likes to be complicated," Kat sighed.

"So do you," Gabby chuckled.

"And so do you," Kat pointed out.

"Well, will you please just think about letting go of all the hurt?" Gabby asked.

Kat smiled, "I can do that."

"Good, then I want a joint party this weekend," Gabby smirked.

Kat chuckled and shook her head, "Alright, I'll let them know you made a decision."

Gabby smirked, "okay. Now, let's go check out that new museum."

That night after Gabby was in bed, Kat went out to the balcony and leaned against the railing as she tried to figure out exactly what to say. Her phone started vibrating making her jump in surprise. "Bonjour? (Hello?)" she asked confused.

"Qu'est-ce que tu fais, Trouble? Gabby se prépare pour aller au lit? (What are you doing, Trouble? Gabby getting ready for bed)?"

"Elle est déjà au lit si tu veux savoir. Y a-t-il une raison pour laquelle vous m'appelez, M. Coleman? (She is already in bed if you must know. Is there a reason why you are calling me, Mr. Coleman ?"

"En fait, il y a, Kitty Kat. (As a matter of fact there is, Kitty Kat.)" He chuckled then sighed, "Avez-vous vu la lune ce soir ? C'est putain de beau, ça m'a rappelé celui que nous avons vu ce soir-là alors que nous nous promenions en ville après avoir mangé. Je suis en train de le regarder en ce moment et je n'ai eu qu'à vous appeler. (Have you seen the moon tonight? It's fucking beautiful, it reminded me of the one we saw that night as we walked around town after eating. I'm looking at it right now and just had to call you.)"

Katherine sighed, "Arrête Gabriel, ce n'est pas bien. Tu es un homme marié, tu ne devrais pas me parler comme ça, ce n'est pas approprié. (Stop Gabriel, it's not right. You are a married man, you shouldn't be talking to me like this, it's not appropriate.)"

He chuckled, "Ils s'en fichent, Kitty Kat. Ils sont ici en train de profiter de la nuit avec moi. La seule chose qui le rendrait plus parfait, c'est si vous étiez ici avec nous en profitant pendant que notre fille dormait paisiblement dans sa chambre.(They don't care, Kitty Kat. They are out here enjoying the night with me. The only thing that would make it more perfect is if you were here with us enjoying it while our daughter slept peacefully in her room.)"

She sighed heavily, "Arrête juste Gabriel, tu dois arrêter de me parler comme ça. C'est inapproprié et ça rend la fête commune de ce week-end encore plus difficile pour moi. S'il te plaît, arrête, Gabriel, arrête. Cela ne facilite pas la coparentalité. (Just stop Gabriel, You need to stop talking to me like that. It's inappropriate and it's making this weekend's joint party even harder for me. Please just stop, Gabriel, just stop. It's not making co-parenting easy.)"

Gabe gasped, "Joint party? Fuck yes!"

Kat rolled her eyes, "Of course that is all you heard. Good night, Mr. Coleman."

"Wait! Kat, wait!" Gabe shouted.

"What?" she sighed.

"Thank you."

She sighed softly, "don't thank me, it's Gabby's wish, that's all. Now goodnight, Mr. Coleman."

"I'll be by in the morning with breakfast, Kitty Kat."

She rolled her eyes, "Don't." She hung up before he could respond. Ugh, this weekend was going to be something else.

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