i love you

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i was at jaimie his house where i am always because other wise i am alone, i hate to be alone. since my dad died mom always leaves me alone, i can't blame her she has work but still i miss her andi wanna be with her. 

Jaimie was playing on the x box i decided to just call my mom i needed to tell her something that has been on my mind lately. i started calling her but she didn't pick up so i tried her work phone. ''please pick up, pick up.'' i begged to myself i really needed to speak to her. ''Hello its Sugar motta from Motta's pianos what can i help you with?''  My mom said picking up her phone. ''hi mom glad you picked up!'' i said with exitmant in my voice. ''oh its you what do you need?'' she said with a big dissapoint. ''i am sorry for bothering you, but i miss you and i taught to just talk a bit as mother and daughter.'' i said to her. '' acctuly its really busy here and i can't sorry.''  she said. ''WAIT......i need to tell you something mom.'' i said quick not wanting her to hang up. ''what do you need, money?'' she said irritated. 

''no i need to tell you something.'' i said in the same tone as her. '' what?'' mom said growing mad. ''i am sorry i bother you so much but can you just lisent for a second.''  i said mad. '' because i learnt something about myself and i want you to know, because there is this girl and i really like her, and i found out that i am bi, that means i  like boys and girls.'' i said with a nervous tone in my voice. a sigh came from the phone. ''is this why you called?..you know  its fine with me but why now i am really busy.'' she yelled trough the phonex, tears welled up in my eyes. ''i am sorry mom.'' i said to her and hang up the phone.

i started to cry i wanned someone to comfert me, but my boyfriend didn't have time for me and the last time i saw Lizzy i remember i kissed her. i knew i had to see her the next day but still. Jaimie came from thhe living room. ''Are you okay Bea?'' Jaimie said. my head shoock no god why did i do that? ''what happend?'' he said and gave me a hug. ''i called my mom and she was not intrested in me at all.'' i said to him and cried in his shoulder, but he pulled away and started laughing. ''i told you maddie you shouldn't do that but why lisent to your boyfriend?'' he asked himself. ''stupid girl!'' he said and left me in tears.


the next morning i woke up next to Jaimie, i looked at his sleepy face, i felt mad at him i could  not takt it anymore. i was so done with  him and i felt nothing for him anymore. i shoock my head i have been with him for a year i can't be not in love  with him anymore. right? no it could be i fell in love with Elizabeth and that is something i can't deny anymore. i started making myself ready for school and than Jaimie woke up. 

''goodmorning sunshine.'' he said to me. ''goodmorning.....Jaim i think we need to talk.'' i said to him and turned away from my make-up. ''sure.'' he said and tried to kiss him but i stopped him. ''no stop i can't...'' i said as fast a possipel. ''what is wrong peach?'' Jaimie said in a worry. ''i can't do this anymore.'' i said. ''Jaimie i am so sorry.....but.'' i tried to say somethinh but the words coudn't slip tonqe. ''what are you trying to say Maddie....you don't love me anymore!'' he said growing angry but sad at the same time. ''i am sorry Jaimie it wasn't planned....i just fell in love with somebody else.'' i said with an break in my voice. ''it is Elizabeth isn't it?'' he asked and a silent tear slipped his face. ''yes i am sorry i am so so so sorry.'' i said and tears slipped my eyes.

''you know Maddie i think i allready knew it for a while....i just dind't want to see it, but afcouse i saw the eye contact tou two had and how your hands touched, and how you talk about her with that sparkel in your eye, And that was when i became jelous of her Maddie because suddenly your heart didn't belonged to someone diffrent.'' Jaimie said and tears fell down our faces. ''you are not mine to love anymore and i am sorry for being such a shit boyfriend you don't deserve that Maddie.'' he finishhed his speech, i could hear the pain in his voice he was awefully hurt. ''Jaimie i am sorry for hurting you this wasn't meant to happen you have to believe me when i say this, i loved you with all my heart.'' i said letting out a big sob. 

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