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Vaaruushinamu ヴァルウシナム Val + Ushi + Pounamu
Myumon type: Pounamu Cow myumon
Female Lesbian 22-25 years old 5'9+ heel inst: Double bass, sing
Hobby: Investing, bullying people, loving womens Likes: Drama (when she is incharge of it) , red wine Dislikes: People with more money than her, cows Milk
Character bio: A Pounamu Cow from Utauroa who knows her way around business and playing dirty. She will make sure she will get whatever she wants no matter the price, and will not hesitate to throw others down if she gets to stand on top. She has a hidden cute side...
appearance description. Vaaruushinamu has dark brown hair with pounamu green long horns and fluffy ears. Her skin is brown and her eyes are bright yellow. Her glasses are also green with gold jewellery adorning them. Her face has beautiful makeup and her nails are painted dark red. She has a dark red skintight dress with gold sequins and wears a large brown fur coat, and has a bracelet and wedding ring. She has thigh high socks with garter belts and dark red heels. Her tail is the same colour as her ears. Curvy body type
Origin: Born into a family conglomerate similar to Orion, her family has been rivals of Vine Group for generations. Except they were such a low threat and failing in comparison , Vine Group had eventually moved on. Until it was inherited by Vaaruushinamu, who has plans to finally overpower Vine Group. She loves nothing more than people she hates being under her.
RELATIONSHIPS Orion: She lives for making fun of him and being his "rival", when in reality he has no idea who she is. Vine Group and her company Highlander used to be business competitors many years ago in the early stages of their establishment but Vine Group was far more successful and overtook the other company. Eventually because they were such low threat Vine Group moved on from the rivalry partnership and all later successors of Vine Group never heard of it... Until now💀
Vaaruushinamu wants revenge on Vine Group now and seeing the next man in charge and current representative is "a pathetic bozo", she will get great satisfaction from beating him. Unfortunately because of Vine Group's insane amount of power, wealth and links its a seemingly impossible feat, making Vaaruushinamu look like the pathetic one👹 Yet she still is set on her crazy ambition
In the future after Vaaru's final execution of her plan fails, they make up and eventually become acquaintances with the bullying still there. but they learn to at least be in the same room without a fight breaking out.... maybe?
Awl: (tanki_chan28's original character. I lost contact with the original creator but she is not owned by me)
Awl is an intimidating looking yet short woman who is somehow Vaaru's wife, who is the only one who can really talk sense into her. In present time she is aware of Vaaru's plans, but she only learned of it over time. Like some sort of sick joke and hilarous chance, she is a huge fan of ARCAREAFACT (and more bands like DOKONJOFINGER) . She would probably be mad at first at Vaaru's decisions but in the end shrugs and shakes her head, because of how unrealistic and crazy they are. Behind all the company drama, they have a wonderful silly cute relationship together and are good for eachother. Vaaru is obsessed with her and is in love like a teen's first crush. Awl is a bit of a tsundere, but stern and caring too. She keeps Vaaru out of trouble, and is too, very in love with her LOL.
William: William was a average person who just worked for a TV company, who was called over by Vaaru to fix her TV. Vaaru thought William looked a bit tired of their job, and offered a spot in her house as a maid without a thought. William reluctantly agreed, but only if she could wear a butler costume instead. Now William takes care of the house, with the price of LEGO sets built by her all over the place, to Vaaru's confusion. Other than that, they get along and Vaaru thinks its perfect, her William can get her more popular than Orion and his Jiiya. She is also apart of Vaaru's band.
Hiromi: (MoonbearTsukino on twitter original character)
As the president at Judas, naturally they will have to deal with each other and Vaaru's ambitious plans become a disturbance. Both being business cow ladies, Vaaru instantly had beef (lol) with her and wanted her gone too. Hiromi being more straightfaced and serious than Orion, she's not having it. Vaaru sees her as an obstacle in her plans to take care of Orion and ARCAREAFACT
Hiromi has a strong rivalry with Vaaru NOT just because they're bovine Myumons, but because they have powerful positions in the business world: Hiromi with JUDAS and Vaaru with her company. Hiromi constantly clashes with the latter on her way of handling business, how she treats Orion and Arcareafact and may not see eye-to-eye, but she makes an effort to try to maintain a friendly rivalry.
A funny relationship between a serious myumon who just wants to do her job with no disruptions and a noisy overshooting sore loser who always wants more.
Jii: An unsuspecting target in Vaaru's plans, she learns that Orion could be vulnerable if Jii is not always by his side. She will use this dirty tactic in her master plan in the future. She will keep an eye on him.
Sean: Vaaru was searching for more members for her band, and William recommended her cousin who was starting to get into guitar. Vaaru found him a bit annoying at the start but when learned he was a big party fan, she became good friends with him. Vaaru is more into sophisticated costume parties with red wine and fancy decor while Sean likes crazy house or beach parties which end in going to Night n day at 4 am drunk out of his mind.