Chapter 12

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Amaira POV

Yes I have to work on my designs but my mind is elsewhere

My mind is with my Vikram, how is it possible that he does one genuine act and my mind is already going around him ?

I tried to concentrate on my designs, I made some and I wanted to check if I did these designs before, so I was looking for my scrapbook in my closet. I normally xerox every design I ever make to make sure I dont repeat those designs and also have these designs which reminds me of my creativity.

Before I found my scrap book, a small cardboard box fell down and I picked it up. I open it to see a beautiful women, she has a vibrant eyes and a carefree smile, she has a bold and beautiful persona with her.

Looking at the picture I got emotional, this was Vikram's wife and also my Sister, Akira. 


Me and Akira were siblings, she was a elder one, born after so many years after my parent's marraige, so they were particularly fond of her and pampered her enough to make her, very confident, bratty, hardworking and career oriented. She was a breathe of fresh air from all the shy and docile ladies you saw in the generation. My parents were so happy to have her that they dint plan for anyone else until after 3 years I was born. I was an unplanned gift for them, though they loved me, educated me I was always overshadowed by my elder sister but I was never jealous of her.

I was glad about the attention she was getting as I was a shy kid, she used to bully me in a sweet way, make me do her chores but she was also extremely protective of me. When someone made fun of me, she played pranks on them, when I got yelled for her mistakes, she came clean in front of  our parents about her mistakes, when I was ragged in my first year in my undergrad she took care of them. 

I was more into the creative side doing management while she was the child of computer  sciences, she was into extensive research, she was even planning to do her PHD. After graduating in computer sciences degree with flying colors she was picked for a prestigious internship with the startup extensively working with developement of computers and software while Vikram was a undergrad specializing in IT and Management. 

When they both met during the internship they both got along really well and my sister being bold asked him out and he reciprocated her feelings. They dated for two years until their secret marraige and my parents were devastated, not because she followed her heart but knowing that she will be leading a royal life leaving behind her career dreams and aspirations hurt them, they made a lot of plans for her success and she left to lead a life of love with a person who they were not even sure would take care of thier precious daughter. After two years when my sister became pregnant with Avika, knowing that she is happy and focussed on pursuing her Phd as planned,  they accepted her back and they also embraced Vikram as his son in law until  she died during child birth after an accidental fall.

I still remember how lifeless  her body looked, her face looked peaceful but I know how much pain she must have been when she went through all this stuff. She birthed her daughter and yet she could never hold her in her arms. I was wailing holding my parents, when doctor came up with the cleaned up baby and handed it over to me. I never knew that I would be the first to hold her, inside my heart I felt like I was holding my sister in my arms. I kissed the wailing baby and the baby calmed down, looking at me with big beautiful eyes. 

My Avika !! My sister wanted to name her that almost combining her's and Vikram's name, I wanted to find Vikram and show him the angel they made I handed over the baby to my parents and ran out to find him. I found him wailing on the terrace of the hospital in the rain. I felt very sad looking at him like that, I kneeled down beside him and kept my hand on his shoulder. He looked at me , he started crying again, I tried to console him and after a while I tried holding him, we both wailed our eyes out holding each other, crying out our pain for loosing our beloved women.

Remembering all this I felt myself crying ...

Is it really fair of me to get a soft corner for Vikram who was my sister's husband ???

My sister who I loved a lot ....

Why are we in this complicated situation ??

Vikram POV 

I entered the kitchen with Akku in the baby carrier bag, the chefs in the kitchen looked at me shocked, I asked them to provide me with list of items and they did that. First I made garlic bread with pasta made in green sauce. I arranged everything on a plate and took it upstairs. As my mom wanted to spend some time with Akku I left her there. 

I walked to her bedroom and looked by the barn door window to see that Ammu was wailing like a kid.  I went close to her and took a picture out of her hand. It was my Akira's picture looking at us with a vibrant smile. 

Me: Are you missing her today ??

She nodded her head and I looked at her with sadness. I went through the same emotions when I was mourning her death. Everyday for the few months I was in USA I used to cry inside on loosing the perfect woman. 

She was sitting down in her chair while I was standing, I hugged her to console her. She took in my comfort but she started speaking in broken words.

Ammu: Are we doing the right thing Vikram ? You were my brother in law, you loved her, I love her and we are in this complicated situation. Now we both are husband and wife who just realized they are attracted to each other ... but I feel like I am a monster to forget everything about the past momentarily and enjoy the feelings we are having. Isnt it wrong ?? What would Akhira think about all this ??

I looked at her to answer her but no words came out, I went through the same exact thing when I started to have this little feelings for her, on one side I enjoyed it, on other side I had this guilt and pain. I was afraid on how strong my attraction felt and I was guilty about me moving on from her.

What should I tell her ??


Hi Guys,

Sorry about the late update

Inspiration striked me late at night and I got diverted in between

How was the twist ??

Vikram's song from Gemini movie, Penn Orathi in the media section : You can imagine them as Vikram and Akira when they fell in love

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