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Matt scrambled around the house flapping through cabnats and tossing things around.
"Mom! Have you picnic bag!"
"Did you check the closet near the entrance?"
He ran down the stairs skipping a few steps on his way.
Slamming the closet door open the first thing Matt saw was a large checkered red and white bag.
"Mom im leaving"
Sprinting out the house.
Rushing through the stock asle Matt filled his picnic bag with snacks, chips , popcicles, cookies. Just anything he could get his hands on.
After leaving the store Matt ran twords Gus's house, but stopping few houses down.
He took a deep breath.
"Hey Gus-"
he deepend his voice.
"No! No! HI- Hello-
Cluching his bag Matt walked up to Gus's door.
After carefully knocking on the door it opened.
Gus stood there in the doorway.
"Hi Agustus!"
Hey matt! Whats up?"
"Would you - uh want to go on a PICNIC??!!"
He yelped, pointing in the direction of the park.
Gus smiled.
"Of course!"
"Okay lets go!!"
Cheered Matt, grabbing Gus's hand.
"Wait now?"
They held hands all the way to the park.
When they finally got to the park Matt ran over to sit in the grass.
He plopped his bag down to see a soggy mess of melted popcicles and packeged snacks.
"I wasent sure what you liked so i got everything!"
Matt said ackwardly rubbing the back of his neck.
"Oh. Hehe Thanks~"
" do you want popcices?"
"I'm ok, i think ill just have some chips."
"Okay what kind?"
"Cool ranch doritos"
"Oki doki!"
Gus exclaimed.
Handing matt a bag of cool ranch doritos.
he said.
And Gus started to rumage through the basket.
He finally found his favorite snack sliced pinnaples!
Gus took them out and opened the lid He used the mini spoon to eat with it and he saw Matt staring at him.
"I... need to tell you somthing Gus."
Matt spoke with nervousness in his voice.
"so you know how we've been hanging out a whole bunch and stuff."
Matt continued. Gus noded his head & smiled.
"Of course!"
Gus happily chimed.
"well im going to say it up front! I like you alot so please accept my feelings!"
Matt said in one word.
Gus thought it over and how hes felt over the past couple of weeks and relized he also likes Matt.
How Gus felt butterflies when ever they talked.
How his face flushed a bright pink when ever he got a text from him.
And his little habits that made Gus love Matt even more.
"I like you to."
Gus confessed. Matt was so exited!
They both hugged, taking in eachothers presence.
Both of them packed up and started to Matts house.
Through the whole walk they held eachothers hand and chatted about diffrent topics.
They walked to Matts doorway  and Gus said
"I had a great time thanks for having me!"
And kissed Matt on the cheek before walking to his own house.
Matt couldnt helo but stare at Gus.
He snapped out of his trance and walked into his house.
After closing the door, Matt leaned against it and he practecaly melted to the floor.
He was feeling so much in that very moment.
Happiness, nervousness, but mostly exitment and love.
Matt stood up and put himself up like a puzzle.
Matt put the back in the hall closet and flopped on his bed, feeling complete and at ease.

so here is the one who wrote most of this chapter Messyasshair
please check out their work i will @ the other creator when i found out her account name


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