Operation C.A.K.E.D: Capturize and Kidnapify Enemy Dessert
"It's your birthday. Happy birthday. Not our birthday. Happy birthday. Birthday, hooray," The children sang monotonously in front of the delightful children from down the lane.
"Splendid," The Delightful Children declared. "Now, while I eat our birthday cake, you may sing it again!"
The children groaned with displeasure. "Happy birth..."
Skunk bombs were thrown into the room, filling it with its horrendous stench and causing the children to run off.
Kids Next Door operatives of Sector V crashed into the house.
Once the house was secured, Numbuh 1 arrived through the front door. "Status report, Numbuh 5,"
Sector V took off their masks as the stunk stench disappeared.
"As per Operation Cake...party guests evacuated, cake located, and party clown neutralized,"
A party clown lay on the floor chained up.
"Prepare the cake for transport back to headquarters while I have a word with the Delightful Children from down the lane," Numbuh 1 said as he glared down at the Delightful Children at the other end of the table.
"Well, if it isn't the Kids Next Door," The Delightful Children said. "Have you arrived to abscond with my birthday cake like you do every year?"
"Precisely. It's better than watching you spoiled snobs eat it by yourselves. So let's do this the easy way. Hand over the cake, and we'll be on our way,"
"But we were just about to play some party games," The Delightful Children proclaimed as solid doors covered every exit possible. "Please stay. We insist,"
"It's always the hard way with you goody-goody little creeps. Numbuh 4,"
Numbuh 4 walked over to the table and pounded his hands against the table to lift himself up to walk up to the Delightful Children. "Right. First, I'm gonna clean your adult-loving, prissy little clocks, and then we'll be taking that cake,"
"No party games, Wallace?" The Delightful Children asked. "You wouldn't want to disappoint our friend Laura, would you?"
Numbuh 4 turned around to see a little girl with glasses and pigtails.
Laura smiled up at Numbuh 4. "I got invited to a birthday party!"
Numbuh 4 pushed Laura away. "Beat it, squirt! I got no time for no party games,"
"There's no party games?" Laura began to twitch. "But I...love...party...games!"
"Did I forget to mention Laura's little...condition?" The Delightful Children turned towards Laura as she turned into a hulk-raging child. "Meet...The Big Badolescent,"
"I want party games..." The Big Badolescent told Numbuh 4 deeply as she towered over him. "Now!" she slammed her fists against the table where Numbuh 4 was standing and began pounding him with her fists. "Now! Now! Now!"
The remainder of Sector V cringed with each hit.
"What do you say to play some party games...now?" The Delightful Children asked Sector V.
Numbuh 1 crossed his arms. "Fine. We'll play your little party games for now,"
"We're about to break open the greatest piñata ever,"
"Yay!" The Big Badolescent cheered, "Party-game time!" she changed back into Laura.
Numbuh 4 groaned as he sat back up, only to be grabbed by Laura.
"Come on! Let's go to the game room," Laura said as she dragged Numbuh 4 behind her.
"Greatest pinata ever!" Laura cheered as she stood next to Numbuh 4 and Numbuh 5.
Numbuh 1 hung upside down as if he was the pinata. "I've seen better,"
Numbuh 3 was with the Delightful Children, with her eyes blindfolded and holding a bat.
"Now, remember, Kuki, dear, the harder you swing, the more candy you get," The Delightful Children said.
"Candy!" Numbuh 3 cheered as she began swinging the bat.
"No, Numbuh 3, Do..." Numbuh 1 was interrupted as the bat hit him. "No! You're hitting...Stop! You've got to..."
Numbuh 3 moved the blindfold to see if she got candy yet. "How'd I do?"
Laura began fidgeting as she turned into the Big Badolescent. "No peeking!" she yelled at Numbuh 3.
"Your turn," Numbuh 3 declared.
The Big Badolescent used Numbuh 3 as a bat and swung, causing Sector V to hit the pinata.
The pinata explodes with candy.
Laura sat on top of the pile of candy. "Mmm! Isn't this great? I never get invited to parties,"
"That's a silly donkey!" Laura laughed as she pointed at Sector V, all in place of the pin the tail on the donkey.
"It also makes silly sounds when you pin its tail on," The Delightful Children mused. "So aim carefully,"
"Okay!" Laura took out the gun to pin the tail.
"Uh, Numbuh 1, you got a plan or something?" Numbuh 5 voiced.
"Laura, perhaps it's time we opened the birthday presents," A female voice claimed.
Everyone turned towards the new girl in the room.
"You?!" The Delightful Children exclaimed.
The girl grinned as she waved, "Hi. In fact, why don't we start with the red one?"
"Birthday presents?" Laura screamed in delight.
"Red present? What red present?" The Delightful Children questioned.
Laura came over to the Delightful Children with a tiny red box. "This one! Open this red one first,"
"Wouldn't you prefer to open the gifts after our little game is finished?"
"But I wanna open the presents...Now!"
"Fine, fine," The Delightful Children said, as they didn't want the Big Badolescent to attack them. "We'll open the gifts. Just stay calm,"
The brunette girl smiled as she moved over to Sector V.
"Kids Next Door...Battle Stations?" The Delightful Children read the card.
The brunette girl finished freeing Sector V, and they began working on getting the cake from the Delightful Children. She moved next to Numbuh 1, who pressed a button on a remote, and a giant knife sliced the Delightful Children's mansion in half.
"Well, it's been quite delightful, but our ride is here, and we must be on our way," Numbuh 1 said as he pressed another button, and the half that Sector 7 and the girl were on began to slide off.
"Thanks for the cake," The brunette waved.
"Your party is over," Numbuh 1 declared. "Delightful Children from Down the Lane,"
"The party's over?" Laura cried, "It can't be over!" she began to transform into the Big Badolescent. "Me no like be over!" she grabbed the half of the house that Sector V was on.
The brunette stumbled, but Numbuh 1 quickly grabbed her from falling off.
The Big Badolescent began to drag the house back together, causing the cake to fly up in the air.
The kids watched the cake as it fell on the Big Badolescent.
"Birthday cake!" Laura cheered.
"Well, at least the Delightful Children won't be able to taste it," The Brunette shrugged.

Numbuh C
FanfictionSabrina is a part of the KND witness protection. Why? Because her family is dangerous people. To keep her protected she lives in the Sector V treehouse, helping out Sector V whenever she can. *I do not own Kids Next Door. All I own is Sabrina/Numbuh...