an emotional confession.

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All eyes are on you. They're looking at me as if I'm a monster. Marinette look at me you're not a monster you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Why did Felix say that, that wasn't part of his plan. Adrien, you always know what to say. You know Adrien there's something I've been wanting to do since we started dating. What Marinette? This. Marinette gave Felix a soft kiss thinking he was Adrien, but then Felix started to feel something he had never felt before. Adrien, what's wrong you didn't like it? No, it's not that I didn't like it, in fact, I loved it and I love you Marinette I'm sorry it took me so long to realize it. Then what's wrong? Marinette, can we talk alone? Okay, Adrien. What's happening to me? You're in love, Felix. Dusuu I think you're right, but she doesn't love me she loves Adrien. Then why did she kiss you? Because she thinks I'm Adrien. What am I going to do? Felix tell her the truth. I have to tell her, don't I? Yes. Marinette, there's something I need to tell you. What is it, Adrien? Before I tell you let me give you one last kiss. Adrien, what's wrong? I'm not Adrien, I'm Felix. What? I'm Felix. Where's Adrien then? Felix transformed into Argos he snapped his fingers and Adrien reappeared Adrien. Marinette, Felix what happened? Adrien, I'm sorry this wasn't supposed to happen. Felix, what are you saying? I should leave.

 Dusuu did I do the right thing? I don't know ask her. Marinette, what are you doing here? Did you mean what you said before about loving me? What does it matter? You're with Adrien. Felix tell me the truth, do you love me? Yes, I do, but it doesn't matter how I feel you love Adrien. Felix of course it matters how you feel. Felix, I have a confession to make. What is it Marinette? I think I'm in love with you, Felix. How? When you kissed me the second time it felt different. And then when you told me the truth you've never done that before then you did the right thing by bringing Adrien back. I don't know it made me see a side to you that I've never seen before. Do you really mean that Marinette? Yes, I do, but I love Adrien too. I won't make you choose between Adrien and me, you deserve to be with Adrien, I'll leave and forget this happened. As Felix was about to leave Marinette grab his hand and pulled him in for a kiss. Felix don't leave until I make a choice. Are you sure Marinette? Yes. Okay, but I'm leaving for London later tonight and if you don't come to the train station, I'll know you've made your choice and I'll respect it. Thank you, Felix. I'm going to talk to Adrien now.

 Adrien, we need to talk. About what Marinette? Felix. What about Felix? I think I'm in love with him. Marinette are you sure? Yes, I am, but I also love you, I don't know what I want. Marinette we just started dating. And how long did that take Adrien? I'm not sure what you mean Marinette. I mean I have been trying to find a way to tell you for months, and suddenly you say that you love me. I didn't know that you were in love with me until. Until what Adrien? Until I found out as chat noir. What are you saying Adrien? I'm chat noir. Marinette was in shock. Marinette, are you okay? Did you know that I'm ladybug before we started dating? Yes, I did. So, you were only with me because you knew I'm ladybug? I don't know. Adrien, you have to know if that's what happened. What am I supposed to say? Ladybug rejected me so many times that when I found out it was you, I thought I could make you fall in love with me, but then I found out that you were in love with me, and we started dating. Until Felix tells you that he's in love with you. At least Felix loves me for me. It looks like you've made your choice Marinette. Yes, I have, but Adrien we're still a team and I care about you. Can we still be friends, Adrien? I would love that Marinette. Thanks Adrien. Now go, don't you have something to say to Felix? Yes, I do, but I'll never get there in time. You're ladybug you can do anything. I am ladybug tikki sports on. Adrien, I'm glad you're my partner and my friend. Me too now go. At the train station. She's not coming, is she? I'm so sorry Felix. At least I told her how I felt. Come let's go inside dusuu. Excuse me, but is this seat taken? No, it's not. Ladybug? What are you doing here? I came to see someone. Why do you look sad? I told someone that I loved them, but she said that she had to make a choice, and it looks like she didn't choose me. Ladybug why are you blushing? Remember when I told you that I came to see someone? Yes. Well, they have blonde hair, green eyes and his name is Felix fathom. That's me. I know. Marinette? Yes, it's me Felix. You chose me? Why else would I be here? What about Adrien? He understood. Now aren't you going to kiss your girlfriend? Felix gave Marinette a heartfelt kiss as they drove away to London. 

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