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Bryn wasn't entirely sure how much time had passed since Uhtred went off with Beocca and Mildrith in tow, but enough time had passed for her, Vikar, and Orri to climb into the back of the cart to sleep for a little while. Despite the hustle and bustle of the town around them, the boys fell asleep as soon as they laid down. Bryn, on the other hand, couldn't seem to stay asleep for very long, no matter how hard she tried.

Accepting the fact that sleep would never come, Bryn sighed and sat up. She scooted to the edge of the cart and checked to make sure she didn't wake the boys before hopping down. The streets were far less crowded than they had been upon their arrival, allowing Bryn to see Mildrith's midwife perusing the stalls with the baby a little ways down the road. Before Bryn could head off to join them, someone intercepted her.

"Been looking all over for you," Leofric muttered, grunting when Bryn catapulted herself into his arms. He chuckled, mussing her hair. "I missed you, too."

Bryn beamed up at him. "Three days is too long."

"You look tired," Leofric remarked, poking the purple skin beneath her blind eye. Bryn smacked his hand away. "When's the last time you slept?"

Bryn shrugged. "Did you see Uhtred?" When Leofric dropped his gaze, Bryn raised an eyebrow. "Did something happen?"

"You could say that," Leofric sighed. "He's been arrested."

Bryn blinked at him. Then, she thwacked Vikar and Orri on their legs to rouse them. "Wake up, we have to go."

"Where?" Leofric asked. "What are you going to do?"

"Break him out, of course," she deadpanned. When he sighed at her response, she crossed her arms. "I can't very well leave him in there, Leofric."

"What's going on?" Vikar whispered to her.

"Uhtred's been arrested."

"What?" Orri bleated. "When? How?"

"Doesn't matter, we're going to get him."

"You can't, Bryn, and if you try, you'll only end up in there with him."

"So I'm just supposed to sit on my hands while my brother rots away in some musty dungeon beneath the palace?"

Leofric rolled his eyes. "The king hasn't even passed judgment yet, his penance could be light," he offered. "At least wait until then."

"And if he's sentenced to death?"

"Then we will get him."

Of all the potential punishments in the world, being forced to crawl through the muddied streets of Winchester while wearing a dress had never once crossed Bryn's mind as a possibility. Leofric told her and the boys that the act was called 'groveling' and that, at the end of it, Uhtred would have to throw himself down before the king, and God apparently, and kiss the alter as penitence. She wondered how Alfred, as bland and as boring as he made himself out to be, had managed to come up with such an impressively creative punishment. Perhaps it was in the silly little book he worshipped.

"Is this a common occurrence?" Bryn asked when she found out that Aethelwold, the king's insolent nephew, would be groveling alongside her older brother. Back when they still lived in the palace, Aethelwold had somehow discovered the truth about Bryn's visions and only agreed to keep it a secret because he hated the king for stealing the throne from him.

"Probably," Leofric shrugged as he led Bryn, Vikar, and Orri back towards the great hall. Since they had to wait a few hours before Uhtred and Aethelwold could be paraded through the streets, the four of them secured lodgings for the night lest the kids spend another one listening to the baby cry well into the early hours of the morning.

"I wouldn't be surprised if it was," Orri said. "What do you think he did this time?"

"Probably got caught shagging in the gardens again," Vikar joked, grinning when Bryn snorted.

"We'll find out soon enough," Leofric said. Despite the streets gradually becoming crowded once more, this time by spectators eagerly waiting to witness the groveling, Leofric paused to address Vikar and Orri. "It's likely we'll run into Odda the Younger, keep her away from him," he said, pointing at Bryn.

Bryn rolled her eyes. She might want to shove her sword through the man's neck, but she couldn't exactly do anything while he was following Mildrith around like a lost pup. She was sure he already told her all about how Uhtred and Bryn tried to attack him for keeping her safe. Mildrith had barely spoken to her since they reached the city and Bryn was pretty miffed about it.

"Do you genuinely think I'm going to attack him out in the open like this?" Bryn asked. Her tone had Vikar and Orri sharing a look.

"No, and that's exactly why you'd do it. No one would be expecting it. And, since we're so far within the city walls, you'll more than likely try to be subtle about it. If you were going to try anything, which I don't believe you will, you'd do it during all of this," Leofric said, gesturing around at their current predicament.

"How would I do it?" Bryn asked out of curiosity. She had always found Leofric's ability to dissect his enemy's mind fascinating. He'd taught her some tips and tricks on how to read people over the years, but he had truly mastered it.

"You'd try to lure him away, and when you come to the conclusion that that won't work, you'll switch to Mildrith.  I know you two aren't exactly speaking at the moment, but with one, pitifully sad look, you'll have her at your side asking what's wrong. You'll lead her somewhere more secluded and wait for Odda the Younger to reveal himself, and when he does, that's when you'll strike."

"And, if I'm successful at leading her away and Odda follows, what happens to Mildrith?" She asked. "If I kill him in front of her, wouldn't I then have to kill her as well?"

Leofric shook his head. "No, because you wouldn't make it that far."

Bryn scowled at him. "Why not?"

"Because I'd have to stop you before you could kill him," Leofric said.

"You'd pick him over me?" Bryn asked, eyebrows shooting into her hairline.

"I might let you get a few good punches in, but he's still my lord and I'm sworn to protect him."

"Traitor," Bryn grumbled, dutifully turning away from him to face Vikar and Orri instead. When she saw their mirthful eyes, she rolled her own. "Don't even start."

Orri barked out a laugh at the sight of her pouting, knocking into Vikar when he jumped back in order to escape the fist Bryn threw his way. "Come on, that was such an unnecessary argument."

"Didn't even know we were arguing," Leofric admitted.

⸻⸻ ☆ ★ ☆ ⸻⸻

ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ's ɴᴏᴛᴇ     the last chapter wasn't very good, so i hope this one makes up for it

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