⥗ • Chapter 17 | Baking experience with the Original •

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It was now the next day and you woke up..quite late actually, right as you looked on the clock on the wall you'd see that it was exactly 13:42 PM. You were curious as to why no one woke you up or anything but you didn't mind. That was until you heard the door open..

" Good morning Y/N. I've brought you a cup of tea along with lunch, I'll also walk you over to Original's office as he wants to talk with you. " said the Sigma build as he closed the door behind himself and walked over to the bed before sitting down on the edge and placing the tray on your lap. He only gave you a slightly exhausted smile before taking a glove off and placing the back of his hand on your forehead " Your temperature's gone and you seem much healthier now. "

You gave him a quick nod before taking a fork into your hand and taking a piece of your dish " I think that the Original's medicine worked quite well and it was fast as well! " you said with a small satisfied smile on your lips " But it feels like he just gave me a drug instead of medicine due to how fast it was.. " you muttered.

" Well, that would be like him. " Sigma said with the same exhausted smile on his lips before he moved his head away and placed a hand over his mouth to take a long yawn.

" You seem exhausted. " you muttered as you looked at him.

" And you seem to be in a good mood. " he said as he looked back at you before another yawn hit him which he clearly didn't like by the way he huffed after it.

You'd just look at him in a blank expression before looking down at your meal and eating again as quickly as you could only to put it aside on your nightstand and run off to the bathroom to do your morning routine. It happily took you about 16 minutes this time and once you made your way back to your bedroom you'd see Sigma standing near the bed with that smile once more, you only looked at him for a moment before walking closer to stand right in front of him and pout up your cheeks to raise his attention before cupping his cheek in your hand and placing a kiss on the tip of his mask " You should take a rest. I can clearly see how exhausted you are, if you're not allowed to then I'll talk about it with the Original. " you said with a smile before walking past him and heading towards the Originals office.. which you thought would be close to Prime's office as he was something like his right hand in your head.

Once you made it to the metal door you'd knock on it twice and wait for it to open with a smile, once it opened, you'd see Zandik standing there " Took you quite some time to get here. " he said as he looked down at you, piercing through you with his eyes once more.

It would be a lie if you said that you didn't feel uncomfortable but you just gave him a smile and nodded your head " Apologies, I had to eat my Lunch and go through my morning routine before I could get here. " you said before Zandik gave you a nod and took a step to the side allowing you to walk inside before he shut the door behind him and walked over to a desk with many viles and papers placed on it before sitting down on the edge with his arms crossed.

" I have a few questions as well as a task for you, Y/N. " he said as he looked at you.

" Of course! " you said in a happy tone before walking closer to hear him slightly better.

" First.. What is the current relationship between you and Regrator? The two of you seem quite close by what I heard from a segment of mine. " he said in a slightly annoyed tone.

You opened your eyes and looked at him curiously, Was he jealous? No, he couldn't possibly be jealous because of such a small thing. It took you a while of thinking before you finally opened your mouth and spoke " I've talked with him yesterday for the very first time but I suppose we can be considered as friends due to how friendly he was to me. "

Zandik gave you a small nod as well as a scoff " Second. " he said with a pause " I've heard from 210 that you make.. some kind of dessert that he described as a heavenly dessert made by the prettiest and only woman he knows. So I'd like to ask if you could show me the process one day and perhaps make a few for both me and 210 due to how annoying he was yesterday. "

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