The Start Of A Relation

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Please note that everything belongs to Jk Rowling apart from my OCs and story editions.

Please read and enjoy!

Harry finished eating and decided to skip the dessert because he was full. The food tasted delicious and here he could eat wuhout Dudley snatching it away from him or Petunia only giving him scraps from their own plates.

He turned around and was relieved to notice that no one was looking at him anymore, well except for the odd look here or there. His gaze involuntarily drifted up the Gryffindor table and he saw Rayana again. She was listening to a taller boy sat next to her. Percy was it? Harry noticed she wasn't eating anything, in fact it looked like she hadn't even touched the food. There was no plate in front of her. The older boy continued talking to her, laughing once in a while but she didn't seem to interested she seemed distant, her eyes void of emotion and though her soul wasn't really there but an empty shell.

Rayana wanted to tell Percy to be quiet. He wouldn't stop telling her to eat and she desperately didn't want to make a fool out of herself by being incapable of eating with proper manner at a table, in a hall full of hundreds of people. She wanted to see Harry. Did he look excited? Nervous? Amazed? Rayana sighed, she really didn't want to tell anyone she couldn't see. She felt lost and it was hardly a miracle. This is all your fault. Always top at everything and you couldn't cast a spell quick enough. She wanted to ask Snape again but she was embarrassed at how weak and pathetic she must have seemed. Broken. She wondered who Harry was sat next to. Then suddenly, something in her heart told her he was looking at her. She looked up and for the briefed of moments her breath caught and she could have sworn she saw a flash of emerald.

Harry smiled at Rayana and gave her a little wave but like before, she didn't respond. Only continued to gaze at him, a slight sadness was radiating of her, a dullness so unlike the brave and elegant girl he'd met in Diagon Alley.

Snape watched the exchange between the two children. His yaze then drifted of to Albus who was also watching Harry and Rayana with a strange intensity, a curiosity and ... amusement? The meddlesome old man thought Snape, what's he playing at now. Rayana was almost abducted and Snape knew for a fact Albus was hiding something. Snape then suddenly remembered that today was the 1st of September, Rayana Black's thirteenth birthday. A pang of guilt and remorse hit him when he noticed how reserve the girl was, every movement precise and calculated so she wouldn't have to tell anyone other than those necessary about the troublesome predicament she'd found herself in.

Harry broke away from the stone grey gaze when Albus stood up again.
"Now that we are all fed and tired, I think it is time we went to our dormitories, tomorrow is a big day for all of us. Please prefects lead the first years to their dormitories."

Harry was swept up in a sudden hassle to leave the hall.

"Follow me please," he saw the oldest redhead, with wire rimmed glasses call out. He was about to follow when he felt someone bang into him.

"Rayana!" He gasped.

Rayana momentarily froze. There was too many people and she couldn't navigate. One moment she was being pushed and the next she heard a very familiar voice. "Harry?"

"Yeah," he smiled grateful when she smiled back at him, well more at his hair.

"Umm... Rayana, what happened to... I mean -"

"My eyes," Rayana sighed. "Nothing really, just a small accident."

"Professor Snape will help me figure something out." She forces a smile and hoped he would figure something out.

"Oh, he doesn't seem to like me," Harry said a little disappointed. His first day and he was already being glared at. Well, atleast he couldn't be as bad as the Dursleys.

"That's not it, he's just a bit reserved and maybe strict but if you behave and read ahead before clases, you should be fine." Rayana smiled softly. "I'd love to help you so dint hesitate to ask."

"Can you see?" Harry asked timidly, afraid of offending her.

"Is it that obvious?" She asked in turn.

"No but I can tell," Harry grabbed her hand lightly so if she wanted, she could pull away. She didn't. "We're a little late now and Gryffindor seems to have left but between us, we should be able to get to the dormitory."

Rayana nodded, squeezing his hand in response.

Snape shot Albus another questioning look as he continued to stare at Black and Potter, this time a slight smile gracing his lips. Dumbledore only ignored him.

On their way to the dormitory, Rayana heard a hiss and quickly turned to Harry.

"Oh, it's just Sage, he's a snake." Harry explained slightly nervous she would tell him off for sneaking him in.

"A snake?"

Sage hissed again. "Who is she?"

Harry replied to Sage "Rayana Black, my friend."

"Harry!" Rayana gasped stopping instantly. "You can speak Parseltongue?!"

"Parseltongue?" Harry repeqted slowly. "Is that like another language?"

Rayana calmed a little and began to gently explain. She knew how overwhelming it was to come into the wizarding world without a clue about anything. "Parseltongue is the language used to speak to snakes. It a very rare ability, you're probably the only one besides Voldemort right now. They say Salazar Slytherin was a Parselmouth." Her voice had a hint of admiration when she mentioned Salazar.

"So you can't understand Sage?" Harry asked brows furrowed.

Rayana shook her head. "Like I said, it's not very common and also not thought of positively so please," she turned around and grabbed both his hands. An element of urgency in her voice "Don't tell anyone, Harry, not even your friends. Promise me."

Harry nodded. "I promise," he said truthfully.

"This is so cool, How about tomorrow before breakfast, I introduce you to ParselWizadry, it seems like a fascinating branch of magic but the books are written in parseltongue and so I can't read it." Her voice thickened slightly. "Hey, you can help me aswell! But it has to remain a secret, got it?"

"Definitely," to say Harry was excited was an understatement, he couldn't wait for morning!

Harry's mouth fell open at the sight of the Gryffindor common room. Draped in gold and red were the walls. Red velvet curtains fell from the large tower windows, a golden rim ending just before the ground. Four marble pillars stood tall within the room like guardians of ancient times. Between them, hung more banisters of red and gold. A fireplace lit the room in a fiery glow pronouncing the red and gold. On both sides of the large room, staircases led to the separate dormitories. Harry cat his gaze around, eyes wide with childlike wonder, emeralds brimming with awe. The notion that such a place existed was a novel one. Rayana giggled softly at Harry's shock and gently took his hand dragging him forwards, there's where she remembered the boy's dormitory to be.

Rayana and Harry walked to the first year boy's dormitory.

"It'll be better if I take you to yours first."

"No," Rayana replied firmly. "Boys can't enter or fully climb the girls dormitory stairs without getting thrown down."

"Oh," Harry didn't ask anything else about the topic. "Have you told anyone yet?"

"No, not yet. I'll have to though, classes and everything."

"I'll meet you in the common room in the morning. Good night." Rayana gave Harry a side hug before gripping he raily firmly and stiffly making her way down.

Thanks for reading everyone and I'm really sorry for not updating yesterday, I had a test and spent the whole night studying (and occasionally reading other stories 😅 ). I think this chapter is a really nice beginning to Harry and Rayana's relationship but please let me know what you think.

Please comment and vote and have a great day.

Word count: 1287 (not counting my note)

Question Of The Day: Who would prefer it if Hermione was more modest?

(Not supposed to be rude. Sorry if it came across that way.)

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