Chapter 6

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Y/n's POV:

I grab JJ's hand and lead him away from everyone. I want to be far away from everyone else before I talk to him.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry about that. I just hate it when people insult me like that." he tells me.

"No JJ." I say, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come tonight. Or at least just left you alone. Instead, I got upset and then Topper did and then you did. I didn't want anyone to get hurt." I say. JJ hugs me.

"You didn't do anything wrong." he whispers. I start to cry.

"Oh but I did!" I sniffle, "I made a mistake." I say into his chest.

"No you didn't! You did everything right." he says.

"No, I made a big mistake." I say.


She didn't do anything wrong. I'm gonna change the subject. I don't want her to cry anymore.

"Did you really kiss Topper today?" I ask. Fuck! I'm gonna sound like a jealous piece of shit. Y/n looks up and me and smirks. "What?" I ask.

"Jealous much pretty boy?" she teases, 

"Ok fine, don't tell me." I say.

"No, I'll tell you what happened." she says, "We were in the water and I couldn't stand, so I was holding on to Topper for support. Then he kissed me. That was my mistake. Letting him kiss me." she says.

"Ok, ok!" I chuckle, "Do you have feelings for him?" I ask.

"Oh my gosh JJ! What do you think?" she yells, "Yeah of course I have feeling for a guy who talks over me, calls me a bitch, I just met today, and then insults my friend." she adds sarcastically.

"What happened to hating me?" I ask, a smirk playing across my face.

"I can hate you again tomorrow, pretty boy." she says. We both laugh.

"Why do you call me pretty boy?" I ask,

"JJ, don't turn into Topper, please? Last question." she says,

"Ok, so why do you call me pretty boy?" I ask again,

"Mmmm, I don't know if I wanna answer that one!" she giggles,

"No! You have to tell me! Then you can ask me anything you want, I promise." I say,

"Ok fine!" she says, "It's gonna make things awkward though." she says quietly.

Y/n's POV:

Fuck. What am I meant to say? The truth? That's what he wants but I can't tell him the real reason why I call him pretty boy!

"It can't be that bad." he assures me.

"Trust me, it's gonna make me seem bad." I say,

"Just say it. I won't tell anyone." he presses, "Your secret's safe with papa j!" I giggle at the ridiculous name.

"Fine." I say, "I call you pretty boy because when I saw you for first time, I thought-" I am cut off by my own crying. JJ hugs me tighter.

"You don't have to tell me. I'm sorry I made you do that." he says.

"It's because you're beautiful." I whisper.


"It's because you're beautiful." she whispers. Plot twist! Y/n confuses me more than math. First, she hates me, then she says we're friends, then she says she can hate me again, and now she's saying I'm beautiful. Like what the fuck? I wonder...

"It's ok pretty girl." I say,

"Shit, did you hear that?" she asks me. I nod yes and she quickly buries her face in her hands.

"You don't need to be embarrassed. I mean, have you looked in a mirror recently?" I ask.

"Thanks JJ." she says. We stand there for a while, holding each other.

"Y/n? JJ? Where are you guys?" multiple voices say, all at different times. Y/n doesn't let go, so I don't either. Sarah runs up to us.

"Y/n, JJ! There you guys are!" she says. Y/n still doesn't move. "Come on, let's go home." she says.

"You want a piggyback?" I ask y/n. She nods and I turn around so she can get on my back. She jumps up and wraps her arms tightly around my shoulders. 

"Guys, I found them, lets go!" Sarah yells out. We all walk back to the Twinkie together and I put y/n down in the backseat.


Y/n's POV:

I wake up in my bed. I'm still in my outfit from yesterday and I don't remember putting myself to bed. I check my phone. I have a couple of missed calls and messages from... Topper. Ugh. I decide not to reply and just get dressed. I grab my denim shorts from yesterday, an oversized t-shirt, and my black bikini. I get dressed and go downstairs. Sarah's sitting at the breakfast bar.

"Morning sleepyhead." she says and we both laugh.

"What time did we get back last night?" I ask,

"About 10:30, you fell asleep in the car and then JJ helped me carry you to your bed." she tells me.

"So that's how I got into bed last night." I giggle.

"Hey, speaking of JJ, what happened between you two last night?" she asks, smirking,

"Nothing." I reply, a grin crossing over my face thinking of how kind JJ was being.

"Y/n Cameron, that is a lie!" she says,

"Fine! He gave me his shirt. Then, he saved me from Topper who was being an absolute dick. Then, he was asking me a whole bunch of questions. Then he asked me why I call him pretty boy and I didn't want to tell him. I did eventually tell him though." I admit,

"Why do you call him pretty boy? It's really cute." Sarah asks,

"That is none of your business and no, it is not cute so chill out. I hate JJ and JJ hates me." I say ignoring the ache that comes along with saying that, especially after last night.

"Ok, but it seems more like you guys are friends." she says, "Anyways, wanna hang out with the gang today?" she asks.

"Is that even a question? Of course!" I say.

"Wait really?" she says, clearly amazed at my sudden change of heart towards pogues, "Yesterday you were just like, ew pogues but today you're excited. That's great, let's go!" she says excitedly.

I decide to respond to Topper on the way.

'Y/n, please tell me you're ok.'

'Please y/n, I'm really worried.'

'I'm really sorry for what I said! I know it's fucked up, but please just tell me that you're ok.'

I decide to call him. 

"Y/n! Are you ok? What happened last night, like where did you go?" he says, picking up on the first ring,

"Calm down, I'm fine. I just went to talk to JJ. Nothing happened." I tell him,

"We were all worried sick and all because you were talking to JJ?" he says, disgust clear in his voice, "It's fine, as long as he didn't touch you." he says.

"What the fuck Topper? You don't own me!" I say and hang up. Topper calls me immediately but I don't pick up.

Forbidden Love -JJ Maybank  x  y/n CameronOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora