Chapter Fourteen

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"Speak of the devil." I smirked, turning my phone to show her James' face time call. I took an earphone out, handing it to her as we sat down on the park table. He didn't need to know she was listening. It's none of his business. "James." I smirked, answering the phone. 

"Hey beautiful. Where are you?" 

"Just out with a friend." He raised an eyebrow. "Yeah they were at the party last night and I bumped into them after my jog, now we're just hanging out, walking around the park." I looked at Eve who was doing her best to hold her laugh in. I chuckled, looking down at his face. 

"Are you playing games again Avery?" 

"No, I'm genuinely here with someone."

"Who?" He almost looked pissed off. After telling all the guys there not to touch me, I'd expect him to be too. 

"What does it matter who?" He bit his tongue. "Her name is Evelyn." He rolled his eyes as I giggled, flipping the phone around and letting her wave before moving it back to me. "See." 

"Thank god. You had me worrying there was some more competition there." I shrugged. 

"Juries still looking for someone so come back to me on that." His face dropped. "Oh what?  You thought me getting rid of the other guys means that I was solely yours? Or that telling all the guys at the party last night that I was your girlfriend was going to stop me?" I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow as he raised your own. I chuckled looking down at the table for a second.


"It's fine. I'm not. But it's fine. I told you last night though that I like you having a little competition." He scowled and I giggled. "So what did you want?" 

"Just to talk to you about tomorrow. I know you're busy so I'll be quick so you girls can get back to talking about how hot I am." Eve laughed. "Is she listening to this?" I nodded, chuckling and he rolled his eyes. "You remember what I did last night? Before I left? You're going to get it again if you carry on." 

"Oh do tell me more." I smirked and he shook his head. 

"Just wear a swim suit, okay?" 


"Or bikini. Your pick. But we will be swimming so be prepared." I lowered my brow and he smiled. "You don't need to bring anything else just the things you need for a full day out. And don't eat lunch. I'm one upping pizza boy." 

"Pizza boy isn't in the picture anymore." 

"No but I still need to get ahead of anyone else who might try and swoop in now. Maybe if I can give you everything you want before you find some competition I won't need any and we can drop the attitude." 

"Hmm." I looked dead into the camera. "Not happening." He put his head back on his shoulders, biting his lip as I giggled. "What's the matter James? Looks like something's got your lip there?" He stared at me. 

"Evelyn was it? Can you take the earphone out please I need a moment alone with Avery." She laughed and did as he asked. I put the earphone back in my ear so he knew I was the only one who could hear him. "No one else can hear me right?" 

"No just me." 

"Okay good." He looked around himself before bringing the phone in closer. "Your attitude is so fucking hot Avery but it's killing me. I'm doing my best to keep myself under control but your starting to make it impossible. Why are you insisting on me having someone to compete with? Why can't I just have you to myself?" 

"Because we're not together." 




"Not happening. I've been here a week, I am not singling myself to one guy that quickly." 

"So you want to see what else is out there? That's why you're doing this to me?" 


"Fine." He smirked. "Test the waters Vee. Try out other guys. None of them are going to beat me and you know it too damn well." I raised an eyebrow at him. 

"You're very confident on that." 

"I am." 

"And what are you going to do when someone comes in who does beat you?" 

"There isn't a single guy in this school who's as good for you as I am and you know it." 

"I wouldn't know without testing them all out first and your kind of sticking into my time to do that." He groaned and I giggled. "I'm kidding James. I do need to go though. I'm with Eve right now." 

"Fine. I'll call you tonight." 

"Not guaranteeing I'll answer." He groaned again, running his hand down his face dramatically. 

"You love watching me work for you don't you?" 

"So much."

"Is that another reason?" 

"Maybe." He smirked. "Bye James." 

"Bye beautiful. Speak to you tonight." 

"You wish." I winked and hung up. Placing my phone on the table and looking up at Eve before putting my straw in my mouth, giggling softly. "He's so hot." She laughed at me, my face covering in a blush. 

"You guys really do have a back and forth don't you?" 

"It's so bad. Like every single conversation you can feel the tension. It's so thick and heavy." 

"You guys just need to fuck and get it over with." I shrugged. "Oh my god you want to don't you?" 

"I mean who wouldn't want him between their legs." I laughed opening a picture of his face. "Like look at this face and tell me he wouldn't give you the night of your life." She laughed at me. "Oh my god I need to work out what to wear tomorrow." My eyes were wide and she laughed, climbing out from the table. 

"Come on." 


"This is a girlfriend issue. Let's go see what we're working with at yours. I'll see if some of the girls are free to come over." 

Look at me. Making friends, planning dates. Go Avery!

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