Upon a time, there was a murderer over the news who has been killing people for over 2 years now. It seems that in all these years the murderer seems to still not be caught yet. A young man named Tantei Hirono is still trying to find this wanted mur...
Tomoko, Genji, Ryo, and Saori: *looking at Tantei*
Genji: He still hasn't woken up.
Tomoko: Yeah.
Saori and Ryo: *still looking concerned without a say in the matter*
Before this...........
Police officers: *get out of their cars as they run to where Tantei is and then take their guns out of their pockets* Police!! *looking around with their guns in front of them*
Tomoko: *crying while looking at Tantei*
Ryo, Genji, and Saori: *looking at Tantei with sad frowns on their faces and then look at the police officers*
Genji: We're here.
Police officers: *see them all including Tantei and rush over*
Officer in front of the rest: *looks back at them* Call an ambulance.
Rest of the officers: Right!
Minutes later.......
Ambulance: *zooming with it's usual siren noises*
Officer in front of the rest: The ambulance should be here in a bit. Take care of yourselves.
Genji, Ryo, Tomoko, and Saori: *nod*
Genji: Thank you officer.
The same officer: Try to have a good night. *walks back with the rest*
Police officers: *get back in their cars and take off*
Genji: Hey guys. There's something I need to tell you......
Tomoko: *a tear suddenly runs down the right side of her face*
Tantei: Why are you-
Tomoko: *runs over to Tantei and hugs him*
Tantei: Wow *blushing* Y-You're getting a little too touchy-feely here. There's no way that I was gonna lose this life.
Tomoko: *still hugging him and crying a bit* Yeah. I had a feeling.
Tantei: *hugging her back and then eventually letting her go* How's everyone else?
Tomoko: *lets him go also* They're doing fine right now, but they're still annoyed about how things turned out, you know. Yesterday specifically....
Tantei: Oh right yeah.
Tomoko: Oh and by the way, Genji wants to have a group meeting at his place.
Tantei: Really? When.
Tomoko: Tonight.
Tantei: Alright, let's see what doc says. I don't know if I have to stay here longer or not.
Tomoko: Right.
Tantei: Thanks for visiting.
Tomoko: Not a problem at all. *leaves*
(5 pm).................
Tantei: *out of the hospital using an umbrella while walking* (Thank god the doctor said it wasn't anything serious.) Oh! I should text the group. *take out his phone*
Message Group Chat: Tomoko, Genji, Ryo, Saori
Tantei: "I'll be meeting you guys a little later. Turns out it wasn't anything serious."
Out of the group chat..........
Tantei: *puts his phone back in his pocket as he continues walking* (There's one thing I'm wondering........How did my mom not know about this?)
Ichika: *in her place washing dishes*
Tantei: (Well I guess if she were to know, then she could've possibly caused a scene in that hospital.) *looks up at his apartment building for 2 seconds, then walks in*
6:30 pm ..................................
Tantei: *at the roof of his apartment building sitting at the edge, looking down at the view*
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Tantei: (Has it really ever crossed my mind of how the future would be from now?) *sighs* (The agency I've been working at, "Security Findings" is said to be going up and running again according to the Assistant. To add on, she even said that there will be a new person joining us there as well.) *looking up into the sky* (The future I hope for.......is a better beginning.) *closes his eyes as air whooshes through his hair*