𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑽𝑰

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The ride was dreadfully silent from King's Landing to the beginnings of Dorne. It was quite a ride, really. A tricky one at that. They had to avoid the Riverlands, that war-torn country, but the Stormlands were in shambles as well since Stannis Baratheon had long since abandoned it and Renly was dead. So many players chipped away, knocked down, put back in the box, Jaime thought as he thought about all those he himself lost. The men he's killed with his hands — hand.

And now he felt like killing one more.

"Cat got your tongue?"

He said relatively crudly towards the mute executioner, the same that had beheaded the even quieter wolf, the Quiet Wolf. Ser Ilyn of course could not say a word back in response, even if he wanted to. The Mad King had made sure of that long ago. Elia..the Princess, Jaime remembered sharply and shook his head. The constant talking to himself on this journey has brought up so many things he wished to be done with.

"That's alright, ser. Everyone is afraid to speak directly the mighty Jaime Lannister.."

The Kingslayer had trailed off, the chuckle that followed his words soon dying as did the already faint smile as well. Kingslayer. Kingslayer. Kingslayer.

"I don't suppose you hate me for killing him, too, do you?"

He now asked aloud, genuinely curious now also but sounding as though he needed the assurance. Jaime didn't like that fact, but he knew that if someone was to accept what he did was right then that would be enough for him.

"I mean, the man had —the monster— had your tongue removed with hot pincers for making a small slight towards him. It was about my father if I remember it right, yes?"

Jaime asked.

"Something along the lines of, "The King shits and the Hand wipes"? My father was Hand in those days, and a good one at that. Everyone knows it was Tywin Lannister who ruled the Seven Kingdoms."

He continued to talk, pausing though to wait for a response he knew wasnt coming. But the pause became too pregnant, and so he continued in a gloomy sort of way.

"I suppose it doesn't matter now. Nobody really rules the Seven Kingdoms, now. Not Aerys, not Joffery..not even my father."

His horse huffed a bit, and Jaime squinted at the bright Dornish sun peering down on the two "political" envoys of the Crown. The ears of the beast were starting to annoy him after so many weeks of riding. Huffing to himself, Jaime shook his head with frustration.

"Is this how it sounds in your head all the time?"

The King's Justice said nothing.

"Just a constant back and forth talk with yourself with nobody to answer?"

Jaime scoffed with a brooding type of smile, annoyed and fascinated by the audacity of it.

"It must make you pretty self-aware, eh? Tell me, do you ever—"

Ser Ilyn turned his head towards Jaime, a slight narrowing of his eyes told Jaime to just shut up and keep riding, which the Kingslayer did do, with annoyance. But of course, Jaime Lannister just couldn't keep his mouth shut for long.

𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 || 𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝑾𝒐𝒍𝒗𝒆𝒔 𝑪𝒓𝒚 𝑶𝒖𝒕Where stories live. Discover now