Bonus chapter ||||

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armondos pov:

it was alex, alssandro,and felixs first day back to school i was in the office today and val was at home with aurora because she wasnt feeling well and i offered to stay home but valentina told me i needed to come into the office cause i havent been in for a while.

while i was signing off on some paper work i go a phone call from the school    

"can i speak to mr knight please" the person on the other side of the phone said

"speaking" i responded slightly annoyed because you call MY ohone and then asked if you could speak to me....

"hi this is mrs fields the principle at stanfield highschool and i was calling to see if you could come in and pick up alex , alessandro and felix because they were involved in a fight and will have to be suspened for 10 days " she says and to say i was pissed is an undestatment i was furius it is the FIRST day of school and their already causing probelms.

"im on the way" i said hanging up i stood up calling valentina who was also pissed

i made my way to the school i got there and went inside to the office and say all the boys sitting on a bench. they all put their heads down when i walked by because they knew they were in so mucuh trouble

"hey mr knight" the principle greeted me i said hey back and she started talking about what happend

"ok so Felix and Alessandro weren't in the fight but they were aware that it was going to happen meaning we have to suspend them because they were a witness alex was involved in the fight we aren't sure what it was started over, but the other person involved was sent to the hospital." she said and i nodded my head

"ok so theyre all suspened for 10 days even though felix and alessandro had  nothig to do with the fight?" i ask not undertsanding why they are getting the same punishment even though they havnt done anything

"we like to encourage students to report any threat or even if they arent sure if it will really happen they should report it and felix and alessandro confessed to knowing about the fight so w have to take diciplinary actions and that means they are somewhat involved" she says and it just confuses me cause if they didnt fight why are they being punsihed as if they did

i was tired of being here and wanted to see my wife so i just said ok ,signed the papers and walked out

"get up" i said simply to them as i walked out it was scarily silent which is to be expected cause if one of them even sneezed right now i would lose my shit

"when we get home all phone need to be on the kitchen counter i want all computers , playstations any electronics need to be  either on the counter or in my office your all grounded until i say so" i say and they all nod except felix

"i didnt even do anything" he says groaning

"i dont give a fuck you knew it was gonna happen and didnt try to stop it" he rolls his eyes and put his head on the window

we got home as soon as i walked in valentina was standing at the door looking pissed

i cant wait to be apart if this conversation

i heard phones hit the counter a minute later there wee playstations and laptops on the counter to and all the boys had locked themselves in the room because they were mad or whatever

valentina said that we were gonna talk about at dinner and i know better than to tell her anything different when she has her mind set to something.



Nanupanu1 , pls thank this amazing person for this sugestion i will be fufilling more suggestions soon , if you have some thing you want to see happen in this book then just leave a comment i read all of them<3

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