Chapter Eighty: A Fake Party

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Observing her from afar, Julius stared dumbfounded. Kaianan was a Liege. Rising on stage, in a simple gown which enhanced her beauty, she spoke clearly, hiding nervous energy.

"I'm slightly amiss for words," she began, "I am from another planet, I am a subgenus species of Homo captiosus, a Gorgon, and here I am anointed a Liege." Her vision faded. Julius couldn't tell where her eyesight landed, at Arlise or just straight through everyone. "I want to make change," she said strongly. "I want to create a universe which we are all proud to be a part of."

"Is this really happening?" Caidus said under his breath.

"It is," Julius replied. Principal Prudence maintained her proximity to Kaianan. The young Gorgon he recalled at home, on Rivalex, was now glancing over her shoulder at the blonde-haired Liege spurring her on. No longer seeking Dersji or Queen Agantha or King Reon for recognition.

"And I will make change," Kaianan said loudly, facing the crowd, in that new woman skin she'd grown into. "I will make it."

Applause surged. Julius felt himself knowing he would no longer be able to face her.

"Kaianan," Arlise called as the dinner guests returned to their meals and drinks, some up chatting and dancing. He had been feeling all she felt. The rollercoaster of emotions. She had become a Liege and he had no idea why he didn't register they would anoint her. They'd done something like this before. As she approached him, a soft relaxing calmness over her, he held her arms. "Are you okay?"

"Kaianan," a voice bellowed and she released his hold.

"Caidus," she said, swivelling. "Whatever are you doing here?" Her eyes drew to the dirty-blonde-toned beauty next to him. "Queen Yasminx."

"Liege Kaianan," Yasminx bowed.

"Don't do that," Kaianan said.

"We were invited for dinner," Caidus went on. "We had no idea it was to celebrate this."

"I am still a Gorgon," Kaianan said, trying to justify her new position. Arlise straightened, feeling her apprehension.

"You've evolved," Caidus said, as if convincing her.

"The Rivalex Realm will remain a party," Kaianan said shakily.

Yasminx nodded. "We shall support you, Liege Kaianan."

"No," Kaianan said, "you need to—"

"Let them," Arlise explained, attempting to comfort her, "you can protect them now, Liege." He felt strange calling her that, but he couldn't deny the master plan Prudence had put into place.

"They have planned to make change as the Rivalex Realm—"

"No," Yasminx said, cutting Kaianan off. "We work with you; you are our ally, the Felrin Congress is our ally."

Frowning, Kaianan faced Arlise. He had no idea what she was thinking. He was struggling with the information himself.

"We are heading home," Caidus said. "I'll let Chituma know the good news."

"Give her my love. Tell Julius goodbye, too," Kaianan said after hugging Yasminx.

Arlise viewed her closely. That warm heart growing, and that foolhardy compassion still inside her: stronger than ever. She could do this; he could do this; maybe they could settle right here in Felrin.

Then Caidus lunged toward her, tugging her into embrace. Arlise couldn't hear the whispers the Necromancer left in her ear but he knew, as he held the small of her back, Kaianan's life was about to get so demanding on Felrin, he'd have to make sure they had time for one another.

No fake parties.

Time alone.

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