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He stayed by your side, protecting you in case something happened. You smiled softly, but covering it with your sleeve. He suddenly gets in front of you, stopping you from walking, and he pulls your hand down to see your soft smile. Your smile had made him smile.

Face going red, you turn and hide your face. He giggles and pulls you into a hug. You hesitated for a second before hugging back. Enjoying the warmth and comfort from him. You felt like you've been dreaming. Refusing to believe reality.

He continues to walk you home, a smile on his face. A smile, also, on yours. You two arrived to your apartment complex causing you to start speaking, "Well, this is my stop." He smiles more.

"Goodnight, pretty coffee girl." Your face goes red but you just wave at him before going inside. He watched and waited til you were fully into the building to walk away.

He spoke to himself, "Ahhh Y/n...the things I'd do for you..." He smiled softly at himself just at the thought of you.

You walked into your apartment happy. Giggling and everything. Eun was already asleep, so you were able to be happy without questions. You go to your room and flop on your bed.

You can't stop smiling and giggling. Thoughts racing like crazy. You felt like a teenager all over again. After some time you fall asleep happy.

You wake up in a different room. Your heart starts racing. A completely white room, strangle-proof bedding, no boxspring or bedframe, water in a paper cup next to you, a window with bars over it, and a door with a small window also with bars. You look down and your clothes are completely white.

You scream, freaked out. Why were you here? Who sent you here? Was that a dream? How long have you been here? Thoughts races before you got up and tried to leave. But to no avail.

You could see others dressed just like you outside the door. This was awful familiar to you. You watch a lot of teen dramas. One of them being Riverdale.

When Polly was in the mental hospital and Betty went to go see her. Just, this was real. Reality. It didn't look exactly like how it did in the show, but you were able to get the idea of where you were. You sat back down on the bed and looked at the paper cup.

Proceeding to grab it, you look at it. Normal water. You drink it and placed it back down.

You wondered why the flying fuck you were here. Granted you were never completely sane, but you were sane enough to not be here.

You waited until someone came in. Your head immediately turns and your eyes dart to the door. A doctor walks in, dressed in white. "Ah, miss Y/n. Good afternoon. How are you feeling?" He seemed genuine in his question.

"Kinda...freaked out..." You said. Messing with your hands, your anxiety going up. He proceeded to write on his clipboard filled with papers. "Do you know why you're here?" You shook your head no.

"You strangled miss Lee Eun in her sleep. Due to your own insanity." You were taken back. Eyes widening and head slightly tilting. "I..what..? You stuttered. You look at your hands, "..Me?..Hurt Eun..?"

He seemed to watch you carefully. Writing onto the clipboard multiple times. "Do you not remember what happened or why you did it?" He makes eye contact with you. You shook your head. "I...I spent the night with Han Jisung...then went home and to sleep..I never even talked to her.." You explained. Trying to clear your name.

"We spoke to Mr. Jisung but, he doesn't even know you miss Y/n." You seemed even more confused. "Huh.? No that...can't be possible...did you check my phone.? We texted..multiple times.."

You were in shock. Even more confused not sure why or how this has happened. "We did. But, there were no messages. No sort of contact between the two of you." You look back at your hands. Now shaking. You refused to believe it. There was just no way.

You sat in silence for a while before he cleared his throat. Gaining your attention. "Your medication will be brought to you shortly." And with that he left. Leaving you confused and lost.

There was no way it was all on your head. You'd never hurt Eun. You'd never make up something like that. As a joke maybe. But, you'd never lie about han like that. Or any of the members. You kept your focus on your hands that were shaking.

You didn't wanna believe what he said. Hugging your knees, a female doctor walks in. Handing you three pills. You look up at her before taking it and look at the paper cup of water she also handed you.

You took them in fear. You hated taking big pills. But, you couldn't do anything about it now. The woman leaves. You go back to thinking. Your thoughts closing any noise around you.

Hands shaking even more now. You felt like relapsing even more. Looking st past scars. Thoughts doing into a dark place. A place you haven't been in since you were a kid. When it all started. When you never wanted to go back.


You were doing diamond art. Even though you were 11 at the time, you knew a lot of things. Your sister, Hyun-Jae, let you do it. She knew how you loved doing it. So she allowed you to while you were in the living room with her boyfriend at the time and your brother, Yeong-Su.

You were peacefully working away until you heard your parents fighting. You paid no mind to it and continued working. Well that was until they walked into the living room in front of you guys. Them yelling over each other.

You couldn't help but glance up, listen in, or be scared slightly. You kept trying to distract yourself. They'd move rooms. Their bedroom, poarch, living room, dining room, ect.

You noticed Seong-Min, who was 14 at the time, come down every now and then. She seemed to notice them fighting and seemed upset. She'd whisper to you or Hyun-Jae. She seemed concerned about you and your brother.

She seemed to dislike how they freely fought in front of you. You could see of she cried after the first time she came down. Her face would be red and her eyes would be glossy, but you didn't put attention to it.

One of the times she came down, she hugged your mother. She seemed scared. You were quiet and kept to yourself the whole time. Making shocked faces or just small reactions about the fight to Hyun-Jae, her current boyfriend, or Yeong-Su. They'd giggle or make the same face at you. Since you weren't exactly sure how to react. You hated when your parents yelled or fought, but you couldn't stop it.

Your mother ended up kicking your father out the house for a week or longer. Making you feel bad. Not able to let him in or pay any mind to him. This is the first time she's done stuff like this. This always kept you thinking. Until, they made up and acted like it didn't happen.

That night, was one of the few nights that started it all. If that small baking knife wasn't there, you would be fine by now.

-End Of Flashback-

You were let out to socialize for a bit. But, you ended up sitting in a corner. Refusing to talk to other people.

Maybe this is where you need to be...

{Word Count: 1310}

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