9 - Lunch with Lisa

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Chris ended up going home the night he showed up to my place once he knew the coast was clear. He just needed to use my place as an escape for a while and I was okay with that. I knew I was meeting his mom today and he was coming to pick me and Rita up soon. I told him I could drive but he wanted to pick me up. I was going through my closet going crazy.

"It's not like you havent met parents before..." Athena said sitting on my bed as I threw things out of my closet.

"I know but Jason's parents were very different. I know how Chris and I are but I don't know how his mom is."

"Virginia Wallace, you are a bright, smart, lovely, young lady that any mother would love for her son to be with. Don't stress yourself out." Athena said and Rita started barking and ran to the door.

"Hey girl." I heard Chris say and I groaned.

"I will go tell him to come in here." Athena said since I was in my robe and covered up. I heard my mom mumble something and Chris chuckled. I was going through my closet.

"You know baby, you look great in the robe but my Ma will expect actual clothes." Chris said leaning on the door frame.

"I would wear actual clothes if I knew what the hell to wear." I said and Chris sighed and walked into the room. He stepped in my eyeline and placed his hands on my shoulders.

"Look at me." Chris said and I looked in his eyes and I instantly started calming down.

"Jeans and a nice shirt." Chris said and looked in my closet and pulled out some jeans, a shirt, a sweater and tennis shoes. I smiled at him annoyed since it was so easy for him. "Now...I think it's time you lose the robe..." Chris said tossing the clothes on the bed and he started to toy with the tie on my robe and I moaned as he got it untied. He slid his hands inside and wrapped his arms around my bare sides. His fingertips felt like fire on my skin, I looped my fingers through his belt loops and pulled him to me. He crashed his lips to mine and I moaned as he guided me back to the bed and we fell on it. We laughed as we landed and he was on top of me. He pulled away from me with a groan.

"We have to go. I thought we were having lunch at my place but we are going to Ma's so we need to go." Chris said and I nodded.

"Can you take Rita out while I get dressed?" I asked and Chris nodded. He left the room and I got dressed and touched up my make up. Once I was done I walked out to the living room and he was wiping off her muddy paws.

"Thank you." I said and he nodded.

"I have to do it with Dodger too." Chris said and I smiled. Once he was finished he looked me over.

"You look beautiful. You ready to go?" Chris asked and I nodded. We dropped Rita off with my parents since I didn't want her alone. We got to the car Chris took my hand, which was what he always did when he drove. I was nervous and Chris sighed.

"There is nothing to be worried about. Ma is going to love you. She told me Scott showed her the photobooth strip and she thinks your adorable." Chris said and I giggled.

"Well thinking I'm adorable by my looks and meeting me, totally different." I said and Chris laughed.

"She will love you, you want to know why?" Chris asked.

"Why?" I asked as we stopped at a red light.

"Because I love you." Chris said and I whipped my head to look at him.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm not hiding my feeling anymore Ginny, I love you." Chris said and I leaned over and passionately kissed him.

"I love you too." I said and he smiled as he kissed me again. We sat making out and the car behind us honked their horn when the light turned green. I smiled as we broke apart and Chris drove. I fixed my lipstick and soon we pulled into a driveway and looked at the house.

"This your childhood home?" I asked and Chris nodded.

"Yep and Ma has all the baby and kid pictures still up on the wall for you to look at and embarrass me." Chris said and I laughed. He came around and opened my door for me and I smiled as he helped me out. We walked up to the front door and he opened it.

"Ma?!" Chris yelled.

"In here." She said and we followed the voice inside to the kitchen where she was cooking.

"Ma..." Chris said and she looked up and saw me standing there. "Ma, I would like you to meet Virginia Wallace, Ginny, Ginny this is my Ma Lisa." Chris said.

"It's so nice to meet you Misses Evans." I said and extended my hand.

"No handshakes here I hug and its Ma." Lisa said and we hugged as I laughed. Once we broke apart she went back to cooking.

"Would you like any help?" I asked and she smiled at me.

"Can you cut the garlic bread for me?" She asked and I nodded.

"Chris, set the table." I said seeing the dishes on the counter and he looked at Lisa.

"You heard her." Lisa said and we laughed.

Once we all finished getting the food ready we walked and sat at the small kitchen table.

"So, how did you two meet?" Lisa asked, I sighed and looked at Chris.

"Uh, a few weeks ago I was actually meant to get married. During the ceremony my groom and maid of honor decided that would be the time to tell me they had been together the whole time I was engaged to him. Well after I smacked him and her, I ran out. I ended up in the park." I explained.

Chris continued "I was walking Dodger and he broke off the leash and ran right to her sensing she needed comforting. I found her sitting at the fountain, crying and shivering."

"And I know you, you couldn't just leave here there." Lisa said and we all gave a small laugh.

"No he could not. He helped me get to the hotel and Dodger laid with me and cuddled me all night so Chris slept on the couch in the honeymoon suite." I said.

"So where do you live now?" Lisa asked.

"Well the ex and I had a house together but him and his new whore bride have moved in-..."

"Ginny..." Chris groaned.

"No, girl is right to say it." Lisa said and I smiled.

"Any way, my parents had a guest house so me and Rita live in the guest house." I said.

"Who's Rita?" Lisa asked and I smiled at Chris.

"Well the ex never wanted a dog and I did. So first day of freedom Chris and I took Dodger and he helped me pick out Rita." I said and pulled out my phone and showed Lisa a picture of Chris, Dodger, Rita and I.

"She is adorable!" Lisa said.

"And I want a copy of that photo." Lisa said and Chris sent it to Lisa from his phone.

Once we finished eating Lisa left Chris to do the dishes and she showed me all the pictures of Chris on the wall and I laughed at some.

"You know when I saw that picture of you guys from the photobooth it made me happy." Lisa said.

"Why's that?" I asked.

"You make him happy again. He was happy but you found the pure happiness in him and he's showing it again. I can tell in his smile." Lisa said and I blushed.

"He made me believe in love again." I said and Lisa and she smiled.

"Love huh?"

"Yeah, I know I just got out of something serious but honestly I don't think there was love there for a long time." I said and Lisa half nodded.

"I can see that. I'm happy Dodger found you in the park that day." Lisa said and I smiled.

"I am too." I said and Lisa hugged me.

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