It was the next day and saitama, the kids, Genos and the two S-class heroes were hanging about in saitama place.
Aisuru, Buru and zenko were playing Snap, a game where you put down cards until two cards match and you slam your hand and shout snap, and if you get it before anyone else you claim the stack. Until only one person has the full stack.
As of right now the score is...
Aisuru: 6 wins
Buru: 9 wins
Zenko: 0 wins
"I WILL WIN THIS ONE, JUST YOU WAIT!" Zenko shouted with a pent-up fury as she holds her last card and the other two can see that multiple veins popping out.
Zenko put down her final card, she then noticed that the card underneath was the same so she quickly went to slap it and shout snap when...
"SNAP!" Buru shouted as his hand landed on the cards before zenko's could.
Zenko just sat there trying to comprehend what just happened.
"Looks like I win!" Buru said.
Zenko was furious, so she got up and decided to watch tv with her older brother.
Saitama, zombieman and metal bat were watching tv and watching proper programs as saitama finally decided to get it as he knew the kids would want proper kid's program. As of right now, they are watching the news to see if anything bad going to happen. While genos was cleaning the toilet for his master even though saitama said not to, he still did.
"So saitama, how did you adopt those kids of yours?" Metal bat asked.
"Well, Aisuru I found her being terrorized by a monster and well she was abandoned by her parents, so she followed me, and I allowed her to stay the night as she looked like she need food, so I decided to let her stay and well there more but I can't bother trying to remember the rest!" saitama said.
Metal bat looked at Aisuru with a sympathetic expression, he knows what it is like to not have great parents, while their parents don't do bad stuff to him and zenko, they are busy almost every day and don't have time to spend with their kids. But he doesn't like hearing the fact parents would abandon their children.
"Now with Buru, he just sorta snuck in and stayed for the night but he was covered in bandages, so it was clear he was hurt, so I decided to adopt (after being bribed!)" saitama continued.
This was when a knock could be heard at the door, saitama had a feeling about who it could be. The bald hero got up and walked up to the door and opened it.
"Hey saitama, guess what-"Clair started to talk when the door was shut in her face.
She slammed the door back open.
"That was very rude of you saitama!" Clair said annoyed
"What do you want?" Saitama asked.
"Well we have a new kid for you, come on in Chita!" Said Clair
After a couple of seconds a little girl came in but she didn't have legs, instead, she had a snake tail.
"Um...hello?" Chita said albeit shyly.
"I thought it was just kids with super strong abilities you had and not kids with a monster feature?" Saitama asked
"Well we lied sorta, most of the kids that we have were saved, evil scientists experimented on them, turning them into monsters, also like a lot of monsters if they like something so much they turn into the something." Clair said
This made saitama remember the first monster he killed before becoming a hero saying something similar. Nonetheless, he took the snake-like child in. He signed the files and Clair left, But he then felt something slimy on his head, it was Chita trying to eat his bald head.
""saitama asked annoyed
Chita had let go of saitama head.
"Sorry, I just love eggs and your head looked like one?" Chita said shyly.
"Master who is that, and why did that monster kid try eating your head?!" Genos asked although threatening
"Genos meet Chita, right?" Saitama asked
With the snake girl nodding.
"This is the new kid I'll be looking after." Saitama continued
As he said that he turned to introduce the new girl to everyone.
"Aisuru, buru come here!" Saitama said getting the kid's attention.
the kids turned to see their father with a snake-like girl wrapped around his neck and resting her head on saitama shiny bald head. this made the kids and the 2 S class heroes look at him weirdly.
"guys meet Chita, Chita meet the others, also kids she's your new sister." saitama said.
"wait?! A NEW SISTER!" Aisuru said with glee.
The kids got up to meet their new sister with zenko getting another friend. Saitama took Chita off of his neck and went over to the 2 other S-Class heroes.
"So who was at the door saitama?" Metal bat asked.
"Oh it was Clair, she basically works for the group that saves kids who may have overpowered abilities, but then she just told me that most of the kids they have are like monster kids. But mostly because of an experiment." Saitama said
Zombieman felt empathy for the kids as he also had to go through experiments.
"But because of where I live and with how strong I am, they are going to give me more kids I believe, this is going to be a headache trying to remember all their names!" Saitama continued.
"Well at least you can give them a home they never had, and be a good parent, unlike mine and zenko!" Metal bat said with a hint of toxicity in the voice.
"Why, did your parents do something to you?" Zombieman asked.
"No, they just kinda neglect us as they are always away on business trips and focus on work to the point where I had to raise zenko, that's why I'm very overprotective of her!" Metal bat said
zenko heard this and while she was kinda upset about the fact that she never really got her parents to love, she was happy to know that she has her older brother.
"You know talking about adopting, technically master saitama can adopt you and zenko!" Genos said
This made everyone look at the cyborg.
"Um no, sorry but I can only see saitama as a friend, not a father!" Metal bat said
"I agree with Metal bat!" Saitama said
"You know you don't have to call me by my hero name, you can just call me Badd!" Metal bat said
"Oh, um pretty sure you never told me your name?" Saitama said
Metal bat stayed silent before picking up his bat and whacking himself in the face. Remembering that he never did tell saitama his name.
"Oh look at the time I better go!" Zombieman said
"Oh well ok, see ya later dude!" Saitama said giving the undead hero a wave as he left.
"That goes the same as us actually, zenko has piano practice tomorrow and is pretty sure she doesn't want to miss it!" Metal bat said and telling his little sister it was time to go.
With that everyone left, and saitama made the kids, Genos and himself dinner and had the kids go to bed as it was getting late. Genos went into sleep mode and saitama got ready for bed.
"I wonder how many kids I'm going to get?" Saitama wondered before drifting to sleep.

I'm a hero for fun, not a father
FanfictionSaitama saves a little girl but it seems like this won't be the only kid he saving. But on his journey as well he becomes friends with some S-class heroes!? Also some grammar mistakes and this was imported from archieve