At School

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As soon as Rin walked through the doors of his crusty middle school they realized immediately that something was off, he clutched the bronze/golden tinted necklace- they got from their great grandmother at a young age- for a sense of comfort. They hoped to see their bestfriend Lumine smiling at them when they walked into the classroom door since today felt sour. To his surprise, he was greeting with troubled looks overwhelming the crowd of 8th graders. He looked to his best friend and worriedly asked, "Can I talk to you for a second?" and Lumine replied confused, "Uhhhh....sure?"

We walked to a quiet place to talk and he questioned, " Hey, do you know why everyone's looking at me weird?" He continued, "It's my birthday and I wanted to celebrate with you guys by inviting everyone to my birthday party but not even Lynette would smirk at me!" He looked at Lumine with confusion but all Lumine said was," How do you know Lynette? We've been friends for a while and I've never seen you in my life! ",She continued more angry this time, " AND I wouldn't care for your birthday since 1: I don't know you 2: You're not a classmate in this class and 3: You're making it sound like you're entitled to a Happy birthday like it's offensive if we don't say anything!" Lumine now furious ," Just stop talking to me please, but if it makes you feel better 'Happy Birthday!' " She finished that sentence with a lot of sarcasm, he thought.

He walked out the room trying to wipe away the fountain of tears with their sleeve. They threw away their finished ice coffee into the trash can and rushed to the bathroom to process what was happening. He pushed open the door to the boys bathroom and looked to see if anyone was in there. It wouldn't have mattered anyways, he still fell down to the floor in tears.

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